I seriously don't understand "they are brothers" argumentation.
At this point in the story... They are not step brothers and they haven't been for years.
They met when they were teens (15/16). They are not blood related, they didn't grow up together. They have never thought about each other as a brother (so what sibling relationship???). There was no psychological sibling bond...and now they are not brothers even by law.

The brother relationship was already established when they met. They were told they would be brothers, so simply understanding that they would be related, in a way, changes the way you view a person. And yes, in a way they did grow up together in adulthood. If ppl irl became step siblings during high school they would still be growing up together. Time is time, even if they met as adults. If you had read the past events you’d notice that a sibling bond was being established, only that Joowon was a horny fuck who wanted to make a boy who was already his brother his boyfriend. In most cases step siblings don’t like each other in the beginning, Haesoo’s case was completely normal. Joowon overstepped his line completely with someone who was in a fragile mindset. Although you could argue that there was no psychological mindset in part that’s not true because it’s already established when you’re quite literally told you’ll be brothers with another boy. And now that their parents are rethinking marriage I think the ‘by law’ part is irrelevant since it’s just an excuse. There parents wanted to be together before they did. If they were together before their parents I might be teaming with Joowon because, in that case, it would be their parents ruining their relationship. Obviously, that is not happening however.

Still don't agree. Even people who don't ship them together (I prefer everyone going their own way... So sorry to disappoint) are laughing from argumentation 'they are brothers". I've met many 'taku Stans" rolling their eyes when someone brought that point out.
The fact it was established they wouldn be brothers.... Doesn't mean anything at the end of the day? It's all about their perspective and their feelings. Joowon looked at Haesoo from their first meeting as at a beautiful boy. It's hard to create siblings bond at that point of life. They were in highschool already.
You are taking as if anyone could simply control his feelings. Like ok you can be told it's going to be your brother but at the end of the day it's a stranger you have no connections with.
Also there was clear attraction from other side with time passing.
They parents are rethinking marriage but Haesoo's mum already has doubts and it's sad that one of the reasons for remarriage for Joowon's father is keeping their sons apart. What's more he blamed Haesoo for his son's ruin right in Haesoo's mum's face.
So who knows if the marriage will happen in the end.
Also there are many cases if you'd look up in internet when step children who met late felt attracted to each other. It's not so uncommon.
Even better in many countries or states if they parents would divorce they can even marry.

Well idk, that my point of view. As for the last part, I know, it kinda disgusts me if I’m being honest. Maybe because I never grew up with ‘incest’ culture. It’s really off putting, I think people can control who they love. Joowon chose the wrong person. I’m not saying I’m a Taku stan either though. Both their relationships are bad and empty in some sense, only I’d give Taku a +1 since he didn’t fall in love with a step brother.
I was literally repulsed by this chapter. I almost feel as if Haesoo is being too greedy. At one point in the story he wanted a deeper relationship with someone, which came to be Taku, and now he’s wanting Joowon. I know some of the Joowon stans will be mad by this but they are brothers, idk if you add step to the front of that: they’re brothers. A siblings relationship is much more important than a lovers, if you’ve already experienced that bond(although not very strong) how could you go back. Their relationship was built upon physical attraction and nothing else. Taku isn’t any better though. I think he sees something in Haesoo, he tries his best to be the first choice, but there’s still a gap which I think is mainly at fault of Haesoo. If Taku ends up with Haesoo I know the relationship will be dry af, on Haesoo’s part. If Joowon wins it’s toxic af and is ruining many relations within their family and themselves.