Can i get recommendations of yoai that has a good story but isn't slow as shit with the in...

Ren August 12, 2020 3:59 am

Can i get recommendations of yoai that has a good story but isn't slow as shit with the intimate stuff ... its fine if they don't have sex in like the first few chapters but ... maybe their in a relationship already or they get in a relationship smoothly but relatively fast...

Also I should mention im basically your resident elder to yoai so id really like some niche stuff (but still good) I know im asking for alot

    Kyatto August 12, 2020 5:54 am

    Maybe you can find something in the list as you have seem to read a lot?

    Ren August 12, 2020 7:04 am
    Maybe you can find something in the list as you have seem to read a lot? Kyatto

    Ohh! Ty but unfortunately I've seen most of these . I got two good ones out of it tho