why does this only have a 8.6 rating? it totally deserves to be higher!

poppp August 11, 2020 9:06 pm

why does this only have a 8.6 rating? it totally deserves to be higher!

    blueninja89 August 11, 2020 9:25 pm

    I mean it might work you for you but outside of the confines of a fictional manga the lawyer’s personality is very offputting to read. He’s extremely rude, pushy, emotionally insensitive, and socially inept. And for someone who’s a lawyer those are really bad people skills more so when you’re dealing with people at sometimes their most difficult times everyday. It’s like a doctor with terrible bedside manners. It’s no surprise he wouldn’t last in a marriage, you’d have to be a saint to put up with someone like that long term. He’s just very unlikable. Granted seme’s will get a pass for anything they do.

    MissBlobby August 11, 2020 10:09 pm

    Ikr I've seen so many boring mangas with higher ratings than this. People have bad taste i guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    HuffleFluff August 12, 2020 5:20 am

    This is just an observation. Colored manhwa with shitty plot still gets 9+ while god-tier b&w manga only get 8~ rating.

    You're a dumbass August 12, 2020 3:16 pm
    I mean it might work you for you but outside of the confines of a fictional manga the lawyer’s personality is very offputting to read. He’s extremely rude, pushy, emotionally insensitive, and socially inept... blueninja89

    Jesus christ. Have you even read the manga? He does all the chores and even waits for him when he gets back from work. Not to mention, he's letting him stay at his place rent free. Go read another shitty yaoi manga if you want to call the seme abusive. This ain't it.

    blueninja89 August 12, 2020 3:30 pm
    Jesus christ. Have you even read the manga? He does all the chores and even waits for him when he gets back from work. Not to mention, he's letting him stay at his place rent free. Go read another shitty yaoi m... You're a dumbass

    Did I say he was abusive? What does him doing chores and letting him live with him have to do with a person’s personality? I broke down his personality not his ability to keep a home in order. The bar must be low if that’s what you consider a good romantic partner material.

    You're a dumbass August 12, 2020 3:35 pm
    Did I say he was abusive? What does him doing chores and letting him live with him have to do with a person’s personality? I broke down his personality not his ability to keep a home in order. The bar must b... blueninja89

    The worst thing he did was be an asshole when they met first in the restaurant that's it. He could've not had him stay at his house but he still did that's why I brought it up. Nice job insulting me and my supposed preference in romantic partners. Good job.

    blueninja89 August 12, 2020 3:59 pm
    The worst thing he did was be an asshole when they met first in the restaurant that's it. He could've not had him stay at his house but he still did that's why I brought it up. Nice job insulting me and my supp... You're a dumbass

    If that’s how you want to read into while defending a fictional character for doing good housework and being “nice” that’s on you. I could care less who you pursue romantically.

    You're a dumbass August 12, 2020 4:39 pm
    If that’s how you want to read into while defending a fictional character for doing good housework and being “nice” that’s on you. I could care less who you pursue romantically. blueninja89

    Boy you are just a lovely person to be around with aren't you. I've seen plenty of assholes semes this guy is relatively harmless to begin with. So I don't know why you're exaggerating and acting like he's worse than he is. Or do you just like bitching about nothing?

    blueninja89 August 12, 2020 4:56 pm
    Boy you are just a lovely person to be around with aren't you. I've seen plenty of assholes semes this guy is relatively harmless to begin with. So I don't know why you're exaggerating and acting like he's wors... You're a dumbass

    And why yes I’ve been told I am a lovely conversationalist. What because I’m not jumping for joy over a character that has the bare minimum of personality traits for me to continue to enjoy means I’m exaggerating? What because this character is a dime a dozen that makes him all the more special because he’s less an asshole than the next one? That is some low standards logic. Lol you like this type of story so be it, that is what entertains you and keeps you engaged, my level of appreciation shouldn’t be this much of bother to your enjoyment as it clearly seems to be. If you want to personally take this as an attack on your character that your issue.

    You're a dumbass August 12, 2020 5:40 pm

    You just love really writing essays don't you. I'll take that as a yes on bitching about nothing. Why do I get the feeling you're going to continue reading it and still complain about it all the way through. You seem like the type that likes to hate read things. I just said he wasn't that bad. And you somehow started insinuating things about my choice in romantic partners all because of that. Isn't that what you would call an attack on my character?

    MissBlobby August 12, 2020 8:24 pm
    You just love really writing essays don't you. I'll take that as a yes on bitching about nothing. Why do I get the feeling you're going to continue reading it and still complain about it all the way through. Yo... You're a dumbass

    I agree with you :) some people love complaining about everything, best to ignore them

    You're a dumbass August 13, 2020 2:34 am
    I agree with you :) some people love complaining about everything, best to ignore them MissBlobby

    Yeah I guess you're right. I thought this story was cute and harmless so nobody would complain. Guess I was wrong.

    The_Devils_Advocate August 28, 2020 2:34 pm
    And why yes I’ve been told I am a lovely conversationalist. What because I’m not jumping for joy over a character that has the bare minimum of personality traits for me to continue to enjoy means I’m exa... blueninja89

    I agree with everything you said . :)

    The_Devils_Advocate August 28, 2020 2:43 pm
    You just love really writing essays don't you. I'll take that as a yes on bitching about nothing. Why do I get the feeling you're going to continue reading it and still complain about it all the way through. Yo... You're a dumbass

    They didn't even talk to you, and you felt the urge to meddle in.
    They only said something about the character, and you got all upset like a little child just because it was a different opinion as yours. Not only that. You are also totally rude without manners. You aren't able to lead a conversations by remaining objective. You should really grow up, and look at yourself before you throw shit at others. Also, bad news for you. That dude is an an asshole, and behaves differently only when his libido and ego are involved. You have it black on white. Don't need to say otherwise. Take care.

    You're a dumbass August 28, 2020 5:13 pm
    They didn't even talk to you, and you felt the urge to meddle in.They only said something about the character, and you got all upset like a little child just because it was a different opinion as yours. Not onl... The_Devils_Advocate

    You still wanna bring this shit up? The dude isn't an asshole he's just kind of cold. You and the other idiot keep calling this guy an asshole just for being mildly rude. You seem to label any character that isn't cheerful and super nice as being an asshole. Jesus christ there are so many assholes in the world both real or fictional. Why are you losing your shit over this one guy that's completely harmless? I commented because that other girl was exaggerating and making a big deal out of nothing. Then they insulted my preference in romantic partners. How was I not going to get anniyed?

    You're a dumbass August 28, 2020 5:15 pm
    I agree with everything you said . :) The_Devils_Advocate

    Translation: I agree with how overly pretentious and shitty you are :)