This is a shit way to end the manga. Like so many loose ends. Did Hozumi really never talk...

Meowster August 11, 2020 7:51 pm

This is a shit way to end the manga. Like so many loose ends. Did Hozumi really never talk to his dad about his issues? Does Hozumi learn to be less obsessive about his BF and do they both learn how to communicate? Does the mom come back into the picture, and can that bitch get what’s coming for her?

    BLOW POP SECRETS August 11, 2020 8:18 pm

    Agreed. I feel like Hozumi's mom got a pass for abandoning her child for a man, and Hozumi although clearly hurt by that rationalized it away in the end by saying he would do anything as well to be with the person he loves too. Like huh? She couldnt be a mom AND a girlfriend at the same time? And how hozumi treated the best friend made me instantly dislike him, took alongtime for him to grow on me for that alone. That little bit of drama tension with the dad almost seems random since there was Zero follow thru with that plot point.

    Spamalot August 11, 2020 9:44 pm

    Agreed. I love the first volume but why introduce all this plot only to abandon them?
    Was this manga axed?