You sound like the type to be hurt easily by criticizm. Nobody says the author can’t continue drawing the way he does, right? I’m criticizing him and his predictable plots, not threatening him to change with a knife. He can draw as he wishes, I can criticize as I wish too.
Btw if you can draw a traditionally ugly guy you can draw a traditionally ugly girl — he’s done it once in Lookism.

Your not criticizing the plot but how the characters look. Your one of those Tumbler people aren't you. You would scream at people that the woman aren't realistic at all but then turn around and think that how the men are portrayed is PERFECTLY fine. As an artist myself, I know that criticism is needed but not this type. We can portray characters how we want to its ART, but you don't see it that way do you? You see it as only a representation rather than just a fictional story.

OK Miss Artist with the substandard English. You guys are way too sensitive to criticism LMAO it’s almost like you guys are the people you’re describing? I said my opinion, you guys keep acting like I put a gun to the artist’s head. And nah you ain’t an artist, whaddya mean that criticism of this type is not needed? It’s a plot problem ya dumbass. Ya think people won’t get bored of you repeatedly using the whole “loser guy gets hot chick” as the only story you know how to write?
No one is saying the artist draws ugly and needs to do better. It’s that he repeatedly uses the lame ass story of “loser guy can get hot girl too!” and *whoosh fighting scenes*. If you and NellyWumbo are so scared of criticism and need to block it out, idk how yall survive in the outside world.
(Btw, did you draw one anime eye on your notebook paper and have now decided to proclaim that you’re an artist? LMAO)

You dead ass criticized the art in your first comment, when someone else told you off you changed your words. It's okay to criticize the plot and art, you know in a way so that they can make it better. If you haven't noticed, anime in general is automatically incorrect. The eyes are WAY too big, the hair colors are abnormal and the personality themselves aren't exactly normal either. And no I am not claiming to be a professional artist. What I'm talking about us what I learned in two years in art class. Do you hate Van Goph? Oh I bet you really hate that guys art work after all the skys don't even look like normal. Or what about Jojo Bizare Adventure? Have you seen those freaks of nature? But guess what? Everyone enjoys his art work even though its characters are abnormal.

Are you not a fluent English speaker? You seem to be deliberately missing my point. NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT ART. Why not you go get a dictionary to understand what I'm saying before replying. It's fine if you're not fluent in English, but you can't expect me to keep a conversation with you when you aren't even getting what I'm saying.
No ya dumbass, it's not an art style problem. It's a plot problem at the bottom of it all even though it seems like it's an art style problem. You can't tell me this author has diversity when it comes to drawing men but somehow he can only draw hot girls.

Not you changing your words when you literally said, “I wish this author would portray women more realistically. Even in Lookism majority of the girls were all unbelievably hot when both Lookism.” You’re implying that their looks shouldn’t be like that, when it’s just the authors art style. We get that you’re trying to “criticize” how the author portrays women when it’s not even that big of a deal. You do realize this story is still in the beginning stage right? And why are you avoiding the actual argument and going after our grammar lmao? Is that all you can do to rebuttal?

You say it’s not a big deal the author portrayal women unrealistically yet you get mad at me for having an opinion... like OK LMAO why would you contradict yourself so plainly?
I’m not changing my words. What don’t ya get, Squidy? Lemme guess, you’ve never had any experience in art before, right? Ask any college comics and animation major and I guarantee you, they will understand that this is an underlying problem. An art problem is when I dislike the author’s general way of drawing, I have no problem with his way of drawing. He can draw ugly girls and he can draw cute girls. He just doesn’t ever draw ugly girls and it gets really cliched and boring that there’s a whole harem of hot girls which is jarring.
Of course I’m going after that kid’s grammar, if you aren’t fluent in English how tf are you going to get my point? Both of you keep going in roundabouts because you got affronted by me having an opinion. IDK how you guys will survive if some internet stranger asking for a less cliched manga pisses you off so much.

I understand when you are saying when you say something is clicched. However if you have a problem with every story that the author makes then don't read any of their stories. Also, there is no wrong on drawing aall your characters hot/beautiful/handsome. In fact the MC stands out more when he is surrounded by people like that. And no, I am not pissed off at you for criticizing the story rather I'm pissed off at you because of your SJW view on what artist can and can not portray FICTIONAL characters.
I wish this author would portray women more realistically. Even in Lookism majority of the girls were all unbelievably hot when both Lookism and this manhwa is supposed to be breaking stereotypes of the big strong handsome guy/petite slender pretty girl being successful, but the author just keeps using these hot girls as a way to show that the loser guy is successful. Gets boring and predictable. If there’s a new loser guy joining the gang I’ll bet my ass the author will fashion up another hot girl for that loser guy.