I'm crying seeing this chapter..

Rie_07 December 2, 2014 6:05 pm

Honestly I'm crying after read the last chapter, how could he said that he doesn't want his past to control himself again?? It's the real kaneki. And all the bullshit about arima and akira are his family?!!! Come on!!!! Don't make his life more miserable than this!!!! I beg you!!! T_____T

    YaoiOtaku4 December 2, 2014 11:09 pm


    Shii December 3, 2014 4:23 am

    probably because most people don't desire going insane and mass murdering people or destroying stuff lol it's a completely sane desire haha

    Sasugay December 6, 2014 12:34 am

    And it makes me sad how he lied that he was "happy" when he clearly isn't.
    I hope he finds his REAL family, which is Anteiku.

    Rie_07 December 9, 2014 4:53 pm
    probably because most people don't desire going insane and mass murdering people or destroying stuff lol it's a completely sane desire haha @Shii

    I know, but the one who made him kill people was them and he just kill to protect his family (people at anteiku). I mean he lost himself and running away from his reality by creat a new personality and the CCG used that to kill another ghoul.
    As we know not all ghoul are kill people, and the trigger for kaneki to kill them is because they kill ghoul without a reason (not the criminal one) and any mercy.
    sorry if you found it hard to read my comment, my english are not too good.
    And about my previous comment it just my own opinion and you have yours so I respect that. :)

    Xzyren December 10, 2014 3:51 am
    I know, but the one who made him kill people was them and he just kill to protect his family (people at anteiku). I mean he lost himself and running away from his reality by creat a new personality and the CCG ... Rie_07

    I completely agree with you! :3