this was so beautifully written, it’s different from mostly all of the other manhwas/manhuas i’ve read in that

sam August 10, 2020 9:13 pm

this was so beautifully written, it’s different from mostly all of the other manhwas/manhuas i’ve read in that their thoughts and relationship were so complex - i just feel like the author must be so sophisticated to be able to write like that - the story really made me think and want to fall in love since i never have before. ugh i just want to hug someone also i was really waiting for them to realize they had met before and be like OMG but ig not it’s okay though...

    Kuronuma sawako August 10, 2020 9:21 pm

    Ok now time to read Love or Hate .

    sam August 11, 2020 12:06 am
    Ok now time to read Love or Hate . Kuronuma sawako

    i’m currently reading it dw!! i’m about halfway through i think but i had to take a break cause the whole love triangle just makes me so anxious lmao

    did you sleep w ya teacher? August 11, 2020 5:22 am
    i’m currently reading it dw!! i’m about halfway through i think but i had to take a break cause the whole love triangle just makes me so anxious lmao sam

    love or hate is so toxic lmao

    did you sleep w ya teacher? August 11, 2020 5:22 am
    i’m currently reading it dw!! i’m about halfway through i think but i had to take a break cause the whole love triangle just makes me so anxious lmao sam

    can they just you know do the deed all of them happy, I mean the three of em lol

    Kuronuma sawako August 11, 2020 10:42 am
    can they just you know do the deed all of them happy, I mean the three of em lol did you sleep w ya teacher?

    I mean the first time i don't know who is gonna end up with whom

    sam August 11, 2020 10:45 am
    can they just you know do the deed all of them happy, I mean the three of em lol did you sleep w ya teacher?

    ya ikr lmaoo i mean if the parents are getting back together i just want joowon to find someone else and then haesoo and taku can be together and boom it all works out