Both of them seem shady to me

zilpiy August 10, 2020 5:54 pm

Both of the candidates seem shady to me.. and the way this is the first time marie couldn't remember her dream?? its a sign that her abilities do not want to help this candidate :/

The black hair one is rude and upfront, but its too obvious shes a villian.. the BLONDE one is giving me ominous vibes by her smirk and how she is practically using Marie to leverage herself.. using a sob story but at the same time being conniving..

In the end ima say both are not it.. MARIE ITS BEEN FOREVER!!! JUST ADMIT WHO U ARE AND SOLVE ALL THE PROBLEMS AT ONCE!!! where is her brain capability... come on now

    itbelikethat August 10, 2020 6:09 pm

    that’s a good point! her dreams up until now have been to help herself, possibly to get closer to the prince, so she probably couldn’t remember because this was for rachel instead hm

    aly55a August 10, 2020 7:07 pm

    omg! that would explain everything! it was weird how this was the only time her she couldn’t remember her dreams properly, but it makes sense if she wasn’t supposed to make use of the knowledge inside her dream!!!