Clear my doubt pls

rinyong August 10, 2020 12:35 pm

Does the seme really like / love the uke ? To me, the seme looks like a bully. Please clear my doubt

    Kuronuma sawako August 10, 2020 12:43 pm

    he is a bully then again if he is not rude enough and cross the boundary to push the uke out of his comfort zone the uke will not change so it's kinda like that . all love is different they are both traumatized person they can't have a normal love i think

    rinyong August 11, 2020 1:16 pm
    he is a bully then again if he is not rude enough and cross the boundary to push the uke out of his comfort zone the uke will not change so it's kinda like that . all love is different they are both traumatized... Kuronuma sawako

    That does make sense. I do want to believe that the seme is in love with the uke. Can I have hope on that ?

    Kuronuma sawako August 11, 2020 3:23 pm

    He is indeed in love because it started with guilt because he wasn't able to help the writer but then when he met the writer and the writer was not dead . Shirotani didn't even talk or confronted him or get him back in his life .so i think shirotani is in love and is happy

    shineyleeee August 12, 2020 9:08 pm
    he is a bully then again if he is not rude enough and cross the boundary to push the uke out of his comfort zone the uke will not change so it's kinda like that . all love is different they are both traumatized... Kuronuma sawako

    As someone who actually has haphephobia an mishophobia I can only say that you are tottaly right. If we're not pushed out of our comfort zones we will stick to our daily life and enjoy lonely times instead of trying new things and opening up to people. It really is disgusting and scary to touch things and humans, but there are cases when we have to, and it is nice to have someone you trust around in those times.

    Kuronuma sawako August 12, 2020 11:36 pm
    As someone who actually has haphephobia an mishophobia I can only say that you are tottaly right. If we're not pushed out of our comfort zones we will stick to our daily life and enjoy lonely times instead of t... shineyleeee

    I hope you stay well and enjoy life :)

    shineyleeee August 13, 2020 10:18 pm
    I hope you stay well and enjoy life :) Kuronuma sawako


    Kuronuma sawako September 6, 2020 7:15 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! kyungsooiz

    Lmao yes