Well. This is literally almost a porn site and people who spend most of their time in such places reading that kind of comic is either just for a quick fun time or maybe just bored or else idk
But tbh its not like the world is black and white and its not like we can point out 'the bad people easily' but through how they react to our opinions on such topics is how we perceive their views.
So um. I think lets just make ourselves better in life (self love self improvement and such y e a) and while on it we remind others too! Yes we may not help much but at least we are spreading the good vibes yey
Rip english

omgggg I remember there was this one manga where this little kid had a crush on the mc woman and she started hanging out with him and blushing and shit and it was super weird and then when someone pointed out that she’s a groooomer there was a whole debate where people were literally arguing that love is love and age doesn’t matter bc it’s an innocent love or whatever like............ ok pedo
ngl mangago gotta be da only place where u can say “rape is bad” for one of the yaois and its fucking controversial