wow i absolutely despise the emperor. i couldnt get past 20 ch, it was unbearable. "she won't die when she marries me" pls stfu and give some solid fucking evidence ugh yeah go and kill and murder innocent people and attack a fucking CHILD. jeezuz christ i won't stick around for the 'sad' backstory that's gonna justify all his bullshit
This reply will be showed after approved! XxkuramaxX
Yes and I’m sure that there are rapists who get better doesn’t mean they’re good people now. I hate how these stories are grooming young girls to put up with abusive partners in the hope to change them when in real life they should run at the first red flag.
Yes and I’m sure that there are rapists who get better doesn’t mean they’re good people now. I hate how these stories are grooming young girls to put up with abusive partners in the hope to change them wh... Ilikereading222
THANK. YOU. SO. MUCH! nothing about his attitude should be tolerated and romanticised. he's literally a sociopath that kills with no value of human life and throws hissy fits when he doesnt get what he wants.
THANK. YOU. SO. MUCH! nothing about his attitude should be tolerated and romanticised. he's literally a sociopath that kills with no value of human life and throws hissy fits when he doesnt get what he wants. CameHereforTheFluff
Exactly. I can forgive the teenage fans who don’t know any better... but the adults who write these type of stories should definitely know better and it’s horrifying that they willingly put these type of stories up. I can’t believe how popular this comic is...
Yahs! preach! I could not get past that scene, like okay some ppl(me) like cold ML or heartless tyrants but not senseless MLs Like fucking grow up, he's the head of fudging country cmon be realistic
wow i absolutely despise the emperor. i couldnt get past 20 ch, it was unbearable. "she won't die when she marries me" pls stfu and give some solid fucking evidence ugh yeah go and kill and murder innocent people and attack a fucking CHILD. jeezuz christ i won't stick around for the 'sad' backstory that's gonna justify all his bullshit