Guess I’ve seen too much

A_San August 9, 2020 7:42 pm

As someone with strong sexual urges and kinks, yaoi smut isn’t really enough for me to do it anymore soooo I explore very deep in the hnetai world
Just saying fucking chickens ain’t the worst thing once seen Ugh
I remember reading this giantess gore hentai where this dickgirl giantess was pissing acid on people and melting them apart
Eating people up too
Still wondering why it’s on a fucking hentai site

Also I’m glad the dude yeet the chickens out
Just ew Bestiality is like a BIG NO

    tae is bestgirl November 20, 2020 2:11 pm

    saw a guy get fucked by a pig

    A_San November 21, 2020 2:14 am
    saw a guy get fucked by a pig tae is bestgirl

    Yep same
    I hate to admit that that’s the reason why I know waht a pig dick looks like lmao

    Xixilovesanime December 26, 2020 1:38 pm

    278123... I feel you