Anne-san August 9, 2020 4:54 am

At least 3 or 5 more chapters of their current life and how they managed to fix all their issues. Go ahead call me greedy. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Xayneth Satnum August 9, 2020 7:15 am

    Nope u r a reasonable one. I guess ppl would have been able to digest a good ending more when they saw that they help each other together. But I still don't think there is a problem with the ending and am rather satisfied it ending like this instead of how some stories r bound to make it hella irritating when sometimes such simple decisions can solve everything except as u said need for more chapters on their current lifestyle.

    Anne-san August 9, 2020 7:08 pm
    Nope u r a reasonable one. I guess ppl would have been able to digest a good ending more when they saw that they help each other together. But I still don't think there is a problem with the ending and am rathe... Xayneth Satnum

    yeah I tried to understand both of their point of view, both of them were too dependant of each other and obsessive, if them both have talked things out when they were younger instead of botle up their feelings, there wouldn't have been any misunderstandings, I think we neded an "after" chapter because it would have been great to see them having sex in a lovable way, with no bad feelings, regrets or guilt. I want to clarify that I don't support violence or rape, this is a comic, NOT REAL LIFE, so mixing real life with fiction is not good, why? because that way people are cutting the author free will to write whatever they want, for example I didn't like "Killing, Stalking", but that is my own opinion, it doesn't mean it was a bad work, it was just too much for me to handle, that's what people have to have in mind when they are reading, even though a lot of the readers must be against violence or rape, the story was good because the author portrayed it well, the emotions and feelings, even though there is a lot of controversy because of their actions, it ended well, why? because separating them would have ended in sui**de or them being unable to move on, it was good because they love each other in their own sick and toxic way, if it was one sided it would have been diferent.

    Xayneth Satnum August 10, 2020 3:55 am
    yeah I tried to understand both of their point of view, both of them were too dependant of each other and obsessive, if them both have talked things out when they were younger instead of botle up their feelings... Anne-san

    Hmm. I guess. And one of the reasons I think the ending is good is because of the same issue. They had quite the weight on each other minds. They liked each other but hated each other for what they did to each other. This I think is rather the best solution. Those two wounded each other so they be the one to heal. Just because many ppl can't forgive this or whatever doesn't mean they shouldn't. An ending should be an ideal for how things should work. Don't u think their lives r easy this way? Instead of erasing the other from their mind, instead of being in pain because of their past and alone with all these things weighing on their mind, they chose to do it together. It might be the most difficult step to take but it's the best solution.
    And about Killing Stalking, I never thought the two of them should not be together. But the things depicted in there r another level from here. Even though the seme mentally suffered but he still murdered many innocents. But u know I always felt that nothing was fair for him. He ended up this way because of his childhood trauma. No one with him, they left him all alone. And when he finally found uke and tried to move on, he couldn't. And well he died. Life never gave him a chance. Maybe he himself never gave him a chance. That's why here when two ppl r giving each other a chance I don't think it's bad. Lol

    Anne-san August 10, 2020 7:03 pm

    wow, I totally agree with you, I think that they hurt each other too much, in the past, and in the present, so the best solution it's for them to heal each others' wound, and move on to the next level, wich it would be a helthy relationship based in love, comprehension and trust; so that both of them can be happy and forgive their past actions.

    Xayneth Satnum August 11, 2020 3:55 am
    wow, I totally agree with you, I think that they hurt each other too much, in the past, and in the present, so the best solution it's for them to heal each others' wound, and move on to the next level, wich it ... Anne-san
