This is everything and I don't get how people don't see that but to some once a villan always a villan. I just hate how people compare him to sangwoo he is irredeemable but Seungho can be and is showing that even though it's small steps he is getting better. Also I agree in this era servants can be killed for any transgressions against a noble.
I think the comparison to Sangwoo is very superficial. Both Sangwoo and Seungho are extremely popular characters and that's where that comparison ends. Genres, personalities, deeds, everything is different.
Seungho can do a number of things based on his status alone that are reprehensible today but were considered his right as a noble. Until I am shown a basement full of mutilated and dismembered bodies showing us Seungho's "hobbies" than this comparison to Sangwoo should be disregarded.
Whatever trauma Seungho carries at his father's betrayal, it was not as severe as it would have to be to create someone like Sangwoo, a human being that has systematically witnessed and been subjected to brutal abuse from early on in life.
Seungho seems to have been pampered and treated with kid gloves until his father used him to cover whatever plot he had been involved in. If this was not the case, then Seungho's temperament and will alone are so strong that he built that confidence and pride from scratch.
Don't let those comments bother you. The impact Sangwoo caused for people making those comparisons is their own. You are not losing your mind, they are just really taken by him. That's make him a great character. But Seungho doesn't need that comparison, he is great on his own.
I think authors would only be annoyed if they are harassed over it but if it is just a comparison they are better equipped than anyone to see that there is just a lack of critical thinking in the people seeing these two characters as similar or the same.
Seungho is not even in a category that could relate to a character like Sangwoo.
Serial killer and sexually decadent nobleman that may have some traumatic past that has helped put him in crisis doesn't quite jive.
Seungho sought to make NK his, first on a whim (as a joke) and ended up playing himself, liked NK to the point of working himself into a frenzy and raping him all while seeking to experience their first time again. I don't get the sense after Seungho's haunted expression after forcing NaKyum in the pavillion that this kind of cruelty was something he was used to doing to others.
So, no. They are not even remotely similar
So glad to have this story back.
Commentary with some spoilers for current season's chapters...
I love how Seungho is pretending he got himself another mistress while he actually got himself a "boyfriend". Loved how he lost it when NK said: "I like...My Lord..." just those words got him to drop his jealousy and he banged NK into Heaven.
He complains about NK's inability to "give" while he loves "receiving" and it is clear in that moment that he is trying to hide his bitterness at not "discovering" NK's true motivations for staying behind with him. He still thinks that NK is doing this for Inhun but because SH is unaware of what happened between Inhun and NK that last day, he can't quite read NK.
NK's newfound pleasure in SH's arms and his decision to "give" himself to him while in despair at his heartbreak over Inhun are giving mixed signals to SH. NK's sudden loss of inhibitions and acceptance of SH's attentions is something he really, really wanted and it pisses him off to no end that he can't quite put his finger on NK's motivations because NK's surrender is blinding him.
This is also provoking the taunts he throws at NK.
I think SH is very sure about what he feels for NK. I think he knows that he loves him but he is still jealous of Inhun, suspicious that NK is sacrificing himself for that trash, offended NK would consider him a "sacrifice" to be made and angered that NK isn't better at reading his signs: the attention he gives him, the fact that he has listened to NK and set out differentiate NK from the servants and raise his standing, the unbelievable truth that he has not sought anyone but NK since before they had started to sleep together again. Which kinda proves to me that his debauchery after he f%^$&# NK into a coma was due to his guilt and inability to face NK at the time.
He wants NK to come to the realization of those changes and attentions but like SH himself told us, he is not very patient and add jealousy and the history between them to the mix and his behavior becomes clear.
NK in turn, has started to become more aware and open to SH. He is still quite unsure of what SH wants from him and sees his situation as not of his choice but the lot he has and deserves (thanks, Inhun). But Inhun did NK a favor by brutally removing NK's blinders when it came to him and now NK is able to see some of the things that SH does that take away some of his villainy.
I think NK was attracted to SH from early on and so was SH but his love for Inhun (and Inhun's prejudice towards relations between men), his youth and earnestness in that love immediately made SH a villain, even before he became one (I know he killed that servant - but going with the times, he probably had every right to do that) to NK.
And SH is right, NK is using him but for himself rather than Inhun. To forget himself and his heartbreak in the pleasure that SH is so good at. I think SH would be ok with that as long as he had a chance to change NK's mind and make him see him favorably and romantically.
And this is the reason SH is adamant in forcing NK to be by his side (especially now that Inhun is out of the picture - at least for now). He knows this "relationship" started fucked and he can't erase the past. He is trying to use this time to convince NK to be with him and he wants NK's love.
Seungho is in love with NK and fully aware of it.