Not really! Well maybe there are people who do that but I think I would totally be shocked if my partner would cry during sex, because I would think I hurt them. And spiting, maybe a little more saliva production but not as much as these guys

it depends ( *=*)... nah, just kiddin' ;))

there are all king of People, though i never met a bottom who actually cried or drooled as much as the manga ukes do XD about passing out i actually had one guy who did.... soooo yeah it does happen

gasp! (*o*) you made him pass out?! what cha do, woman?? :'))

Woahhh ..!!! Really ??!!

I was wondering the same... I found it wuite unattractive.. but their sex was still sexy...

i´m no woman xD but yeah i guess he got way too weak and yeahhhh xD but i guess the long and exhausting foreplay was also at fault xD
As for drooling urgh... there are so many mangas where they drool like waterfalls xD not so realistic

Oh my my... am i sensing real life yaoi? Kyaa~

I hope I got a chance to find the answer by myself someday, I'm turning 25 btw. Lol

we call that gay couples xD

Personally the only time I had a lot of excess saliva getting all over the place was when deep throating-sometimes when's mouth got to dry I'd d th just for the moisture-Even French kissing doesn't mske u drool like in yaoi-normally ur mouth gets dry-I guess if someone has crazy saliva glands that water a lot it could happen but it sounds gross to me-seems like in Japanese sexy stories the idea of swallowing each other's saliva is sexy-never saw that before before reading manga and japanese novels- again personally I only cried the first time I tried to have sex and when trying to do anal the first dozen times-I really wanted to make it work but it was excruciating so I usually ended up in tears-the only other crying I've sern is in mushy romance novels where the couple is so in love that they have tears come to the eyes from the beauty of it-a scenario I find quite cheesy-reading manga and especially yaoi has definitely been an education on cultural differences-the whole thing with the Uke saying no so much comes from the uke being the "female" of the two and female sexuality is on the repressed side in Japan-i tottaly connect with that since even though Ive had a lot of kinky sex with way yo many partners I was repressed for a long time-I didn't actually have sex because I loved the way it felt it was more an expression or self destructiveness and low self esteem-so In some ways I'm terribly inexperienced since I've only had an orgasam during sex a handful of times and I've only had one partner who I think if it hadn't ended horrifically could have been the one to do it for me-love the whole non con thing in yaoi-Srsly I want to write a dissertation on yaoi and female sexuality-I find it facinating-only problem is I hate reading straight stuff now-Anyone rose have that problem-it makes me feel uncomfortable-I'm so weird

Everyone have your own preferences, I can't read shoujo in the same way like I read yaoi... this is normal in my point of view. ^u^

I thought I'm the only one but no. Good thing tho. Am also questioning myself for a long time now, I can't read or even watch straight sex. It's just ew. And I can't stop reading once I started. On my free time it's always yaoi yaoi yaoi. If now, gay stories. lol (we're weirdos in a good way, I guess)
Do normal people spit and cry as much during sex like almost every yaoi character?