yk if people cant accept that irl there really are gay or bi people from kpop groups is li...

cuepotato August 8, 2020 4:04 pm

yk if people cant accept that irl there really are gay or bi people from kpop groups is like reading this yaoi manhwa as a homophobic person

    fire August 8, 2020 6:17 pm

    It's not about a member's sexuality, it's about fantasizing about members in a group fucking each other. Same thing if it was a mixed gender group.

    That's what's homophobic. Bec it's perpuating stereotypes.

    (If anyone here is claiming an individual member in general can't be gay tho and you're calling them out, I missed that sorry).

    cuepotato August 8, 2020 11:25 pm
    It's not about a member's sexuality, it's about fantasizing about members in a group fucking each other. Same thing if it was a mixed gender group.That's what's homophobic. Bec it's perpuating stereotypes. (If ... fire

    we both can agree on that