Yamato is on my top 3 charaters I want to join the Straw Hats. 1- Bon Clay, obviously 2- B...

ArmSt August 8, 2020 2:09 pm

Yamato is on my top 3 charaters I want to join the Straw Hats.
1- Bon Clay, obviously
2- Brûlée, just because it's funny
3- Yamato

    ...noname August 8, 2020 3:50 pm


    ZoroxSanji August 8, 2020 4:13 pm

    Brulee made the whole cake arc so funny damn.

    akera August 8, 2020 6:25 pm

    I'm hoping Yamato joins and she'll be an amazing addition to the crew but I don't know if Oda sensei wants to add another memeber so soon after Jimbei. I know Jimbei technically joined back in fishmen island arc but he didn't join them until now

    べぽが可愛 August 10, 2020 2:15 am

    I miss Bon Clay

    Iamkingdomhearts August 11, 2020 10:12 am
    I'm hoping Yamato joins and she'll be an amazing addition to the crew but I don't know if Oda sensei wants to add another memeber so soon after Jimbei. I know Jimbei technically joined back in fishmen island ar... akera

    I want Carrot to join and it doesn't matter the timing more so the building up towards the moment. I think Yamato will join the Red Scabbards instead. That or be like Vivi was to the Straw Hats.

    THoe August 19, 2020 6:37 pm
    I miss Bon Clay べぽが可愛

    i hope we get to see him again :(

    Iamkingdomhearts August 19, 2020 7:12 pm
    i hope we get to see him again :( THoe

    He's not doing too bad, he's the new Queen at Impel Down.

    SomebodyBlack August 21, 2020 6:41 pm
    I'm hoping Yamato joins and she'll be an amazing addition to the crew but I don't know if Oda sensei wants to add another memeber so soon after Jimbei. I know Jimbei technically joined back in fishmen island ar... akera

    -While Carrot fans around the world shed a tear-

    Iamkingdomhearts August 21, 2020 11:22 pm
    -While Carrot fans around the world shed a tear- SomebodyBlack

    I honestly want Carrot to join after Jinbe when the war at Onigashima concludes.

    taro August 22, 2020 12:29 am
    I honestly want Carrot to join after Jinbe when the war at Onigashima concludes. Iamkingdomhearts

    I imagine carrot will end up going back to zou to work in pedros place,, but we can always hope

    akera August 22, 2020 1:20 am

    Carrot isn't bad per se but to me, she isn't particularly exciting either, at least to me. The remaining open spots in the crew (if oda follows what Luffy said in the beginning of story about the number of his crew members) so I'd rather those spots be filled with amazing people and leave the "less exciting'" characters as allies of the crew

    Iamkingdomhearts August 22, 2020 3:47 am
    Carrot isn't bad per se but to me, she isn't particularly exciting either, at least to me. The remaining open spots in the crew (if oda follows what Luffy said in the beginning of story about the number of his... akera

    Yeah but the crew when they first started out built up towards excitement, the same in Jinbe-the latest crewmember's case.

    Iamkingdomhearts August 22, 2020 3:49 am
    I imagine carrot will end up going back to zou to work in pedros place,, but we can always hope taro

    Well she has the criteria needed to join. She can be the Lookout of the crew, they need a proper Lookout in place of Zoro. She lost Pedro and has the skillsets of both Electro and Sulong to offer. Plus, she doesn't know about the rest of the world, only Zou. Like Chopper, she can join the Straw Hats and learn more about the world.

    taro August 22, 2020 7:16 am
    Well she has the criteria needed to join. She can be the Lookout of the crew, they need a proper Lookout in place of Zoro. She lost Pedro and has the skillsets of both Electro and Sulong to offer. Plus, she doe... Iamkingdomhearts

    Your totally right,, I hadn’t even thought of that. She’s a super capable fighter and also it would be nice to have someone like her who can lighten the mood of the rest of the crew.

    Iamkingdomhearts August 22, 2020 4:34 pm
    Your totally right,, I hadn’t even thought of that. She’s a super capable fighter and also it would be nice to have someone like her who can lighten the mood of the rest of the crew. taro

    Another factor to count is that both Nami and Robin fight long range, Carrot could be the first close range fighter.