
verbalvomitarmance August 8, 2020 9:26 am

First off I hate rape in yaoi or bl so it wasn't for me, even if you think raped at first then they fall in love....no, not for me. I know this is hentai but still, people have a weird taste if they get off to this, I hate seeing people in levis position even if its fake.

    Kitanaikao August 24, 2020 8:34 pm

    I COMPLETELY AGREE, thank god most of the people in these comments have common sense

    Michelle September 7, 2020 8:22 am

    sorry we have fucked up mental states, some people are really quite different heh.

    bean September 7, 2020 8:34 am
    sorry we have fucked up mental states, some people are really quite different heh. Michelle

    It's fine its just I can't see how you can find this attractive but, hey whatever floats your boat. I don't care if you get off to this its just I really don't see what's attractive.

    Michelle September 7, 2020 8:39 am
    It's fine its just I can't see how you can find this attractive but, hey whatever floats your boat. I don't care if you get off to this its just I really don't see what's attractive. bean

    I honestly don't know either, it just happened and boom im like this so ㅋㅋㅋ

    bean September 8, 2020 4:00 am
    I honestly don't know either, it just happened and boom im like this so ㅋㅋㅋ Michelle


    DISGUSTING PERVERT November 22, 2020 12:15 pm

    First of all thank you so much for respecting others interests, some of us just thinks differently and likes different things. I don't like bottom getting raped and then falling in love either but nearly every yaoi is like that so... Also I am never okay with rape in real life or in normalizing it but when it's fiction my brain just doesn't think it's bad. Hope it makes sense. (●'◡'●)

    Kitanaikao November 23, 2020 5:50 am
    First of all thank you so much for respecting others interests, some of us just thinks differently and likes different things. I don't like bottom getting raped and then falling in love either but nearly every ... DISGUSTING PERVERT

    I respect that!

    bean November 23, 2020 8:07 am
    First of all thank you so much for respecting others interests, some of us just thinks differently and likes different things. I don't like bottom getting raped and then falling in love either but nearly every ... DISGUSTING PERVERT

    Yea i agree but i think not all people can differentiate reality from yaoi. Also, i understand that some people get off to this because of maybe traumas or other things. So i did have to correct myself on that. Other than that, it's still horrible to see it normalized in any manner. Its normalized in yaoi which is what i don't agree with. Why do they have to put a character in that situation, for the storyline?! I just wish the rape in yaoi and bl would not be normalized because personally, i think they can make the story interesting without it. Also, there's literally no reason to put rape into normal yaoi. I get it if the story has a rape-like stigma which I think brings awareness to people who are in positions like that. Other stories such as painter of the night, BJ Alex, yours to claim, love is an illusion and etc. Anyways i hope this clarifies more of what I meant in my comment. Also i do sorta agree with your comment back but i explained alot of things lol

    bean November 23, 2020 8:08 am
    Yea i agree but i think not all people can differentiate reality from yaoi. Also, i understand that some people get off to this because of maybe traumas or other things. So i did have to correct myself on that.... bean

    I meant to say that stigma has rape in its storyline for a purpose. It's about a male prostitute who gets raped and taken advantage of so that why i say i get why the rape is there.

    bean November 23, 2020 8:09 am
    Yea i agree but i think not all people can differentiate reality from yaoi. Also, i understand that some people get off to this because of maybe traumas or other things. So i did have to correct myself on that.... bean

    Also by the other stories I meant that there no need for rape in them.

    DISGUSTING PERVERT November 24, 2020 9:18 pm
    Yea i agree but i think not all people can differentiate reality from yaoi. Also, i understand that some people get off to this because of maybe traumas or other things. So i did have to correct myself on that.... bean

    I get your point and you're right, I just wanted to say some people can differentiate reality from yaoi and personally I don't find it "attractive" but it's more like I'm getting all the frustiation off myself i guess??? And like you said some people can't differentiate and they can see it as normal. I'm totally against it being normalized or being seen as normal in real life and in yaoi. But when it's a hentai my brain doesn't really think something it just goes "it's hentai=like porn=material to get off" like my mind is so simple ┗( T﹏T )┛I'm not trying to argue or add something on what you said or anything cause you're totally right just clearing things up

    bean November 25, 2020 5:23 am
    I get your point and you're right, I just wanted to say some people can differentiate reality from yaoi and personally I don't find it "attractive" but it's more like I'm getting all the frustiation off myself ... DISGUSTING PERVERT

    Yea I get your point more clearly now. I also have to agree on that I guess just since on this website there's more yaoi from what I've seen on the front page. So I agree with you on that, my comment makes more of a point in normal yaoi. Anyway awesome we could agree on things!

    DISGUSTING PERVERT November 25, 2020 5:52 am
    Yea I get your point more clearly now. I also have to agree on that I guess just since on this website there's more yaoi from what I've seen on the front page. So I agree with you on that, my comment makes more... bean

    Yeah, I'm glad we can agree too! (≧∀≦)