There is a big difference. What the black haired guy did was not a crime, what the yellow-eyed guy did was. If you excuse what he did, then anything goes, even murder of a third party or whatnot, with the excuse that he was traumatized from the past. And if the victim accepts it, he is acknowledging that as well. For me, if they end up together they are both trash. I hoped the victim was not gonna become a traumatized trash too. but that's what he ended up being. He fell into the same black pit as his captor. Not a happy ending at all.

I seriously can't stand these delusional comments in this comment section.
Actions have consequences.
Seungho is dangerous, unstable man who should have faced consequences.
Forgetting about unrealistic bs how unhinged man got magically better without meds and long at least few years therapy (which wouldn't have positive promise in the first place) because of "power of love" (lol). He was unwell, mentally ill from nearly the very beggining and his mental health was getting worse and worse... And he just got better just like that. Rolling eyes so hard.
But forgetting about this part. Actions SHOULD HAVE consequences. You can forgive your abuser but they still should face consequences.
What naivety is that even? Past is past? They are healing each other. I have headache just reading that.
Both characters were heavily flawed and caused incredible trauma to the other. There was no good guy/bad guy dichotomy. You are really trying to paint this as a black and white scenario and refusing to see how messy it was. Maybe you missed the whole part where they were in high school or something.
Endings like this happen in real life, okay? This is not just something that is fantasized about. You act like people don't return to their abusers in real life even after being nearly killed.
However, that was not the case in this story. It is not impossible to believe that there was growth. If you don't believe someone can heal from their trauma and change as an individual, I don't know what to tell you. Real people are not 100% good or 100% bad.
These are two highly traumatized people who, despite causing immense pain to each other, loved each other relentlessly as well and because they wanted to fight for their relationship, they found each other again and decided that they were not going to repeat the same mistakes in the past. They were going to try and deny their past nor try to change what already happened. They are now working on building a future together that is happy.
We should respect people agency over their life. If people in a relationship mutually agree their relationship is worth fighting for then that's that on that. Let them figure it out. People are free to leave, free to never see the other person again and they are also free to continue their relationship and fight to improve it. None of these implies anything about who they are as people. It's important that both people want this though. You can't be the only one fighting for your relationship. This story didn't have that. Both wanted to be together so stop shaming them and just be happy for them or freaking move on to another story and stay mad.