Idk as well, I think maybe its cuz they are from an important and traditional family, so the first son its the heir, so the dad would mistreat them if he knew that the first born only son (cuz she is the older, only afterwards the siblings came) was a girl
And he looks like a bad parent, so he problably didnt even passed time with his kids nor even change dipers or bath them so the nannys or the mom did all that
But tbh Idk, its just a suposition lol ( ̄∇ ̄")

I read the novel quite awhile back.. So i remember some pieces of the storyline regarding her secret birth..
The father already had a mistress when the mother was pregnant and that time, their marriage was already broken and he’s ready to throw her away.. They were already living separately from each other.
The reason he didn’t know his child’s gender was because the mother gave birth in a secluded countryside hospital, and she fabricated a new birth certificate (though the original cert is still in the old hospital which will later be revealed).
The mother decided to fake the gender to have the right of inheritance for Fu Jiu. This is because Fu Jiu as a baby had a serious health condition which required money for treatment. The mother said something along the line:
“If not for her baby’s health condition, she was ready to leave the bastard and live happily with only just the 2 of them”
But because she doesn’t have money, the bastard’s support was essential to save her child’s life, as Fu Jiu would be the legal heir to inherit the fortune and the business as a MALE. If as a female, the mistress’s son will be first in the inheritance ranking instead. Cause she was also pregnant or already gave birth (can’t remember which one).
The father cannot decline the mother because technically, they’re still legally married and she hold 10% or 20% (can’t remember the exact number) of the company share. That’s also one of the reasons why the mother didn’t divorce the father despite the horrible treatment with the mistress. Because she’s waiting for the time to take over the company, as she’s also one of the co-founder who invested lots of money in the founding of the company. She still has the power to make decision and attend the shareholder meetings.
Phewwww that’s longg (≧∀≦)
what i want to know is why did the mother make her pretend to be a boy in the first place??? also.... how on earth can a father not know the gender of his child
wtf is wrong with these people Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)