Sigh... it ended... I don’t know what to feel cause everytime I finish a good webtoon i ...

BruisedHeart August 9, 2020 5:14 pm

Sigh... it ended... I don’t know what to feel cause everytime I finish a good webtoon i start to feel like I lost another feeling in my heart or something. I don’t know if am happy or sad for it to finish but anyways congrats to all of us for keeping up with their painful journey.

I like this webtoon not just because it was twisted or yaoi but the whole story is giving you this big lesson and advices along the way, which it really gave me in the last sentence of this ending chapter. It really thought me something. Most of the time it’s really hard to deal with the past regrets and pain and sometimes it’s hard to live in the present and think of your future for yourself or others. There are mistakes that you cannot take back or redo but you can look forward and try to start over.
It is all up to you to forgive yourself and others.
Dohyun could have left Sungho forever, but he realized that the way things past and happened between the two he could never take back but start over. Why because he knew that Sungho was also in so much pain like Dohyun himself was and they both couldn’t stop for the way they felt for eachother no matter what. They started over and forgave one another. And that is the lesson they showed us. Forgiving the past would always give us a better future with no regrets or pain not just for yourself but for the other side as well. Even if it’s a horrible thing that you can’t forget, forgiving will always make your mind at peace even if it’s just a little. ( at least that is how my life works and i do things ). It’s just my opinion, thank you for reading. And goodbye Warehouse-
