spoilers for chapter 46 raws anyone? ;-;

LiiQ August 7, 2020 6:16 am

spoilers for chapter 46 raws anyone? ;-;

    Jegra August 9, 2020 10:05 am

    c.46 spoilers (might be innacurate bc MTL)
    lots of dialogues and its kinda devastating to translate so i'll just give a summary


    1. San confronted Geumsun why he was treating 704 badly. Apparently 704 knows the marking was a territorial thing and think it was demeaning (the convo with San in the beginning of the chapter). Geumsun explained he was really just marking 704 for protection just in case Hwan tries to get to him.. San remarked that Geumsun is strange. They seemed to talk some more but it was skipped over.
    2. Geumsun told 704 he already explained things to San and 704 just needs to do whatever San decides to do since 704 is doing all this(i.e the sex with Geumsun and protecting Eunjae) for San anyway. He also apologised to 704 twice but it just made 704 angry instead.
    3. San's name means hailstones/sleet.


    Also the "apology" conversation between 704 and Geumsun.. its something like this:
    Geumsun: I'm sorry
    704: what? since when were u ever nice to me? did u change my clothes bc u were feeling sorry too? doing something u've never done before just makes me annoyed
    Geumsun: sorry
    704: shut up. did u think i get hurt by something like this? i don't care so get lost. stop pretending to be nice
    Geumsun: ...this won't happen again

    (Personally I think Geumsun has collected so many deathflags and he really seems to be prepared for death LMAO)

    LiiQ August 9, 2020 10:19 am

    thank you so much for this T^T
    can 704 and geumsun never find happiness ;-;