Doohwa looks freaking hot but why do I sense trouble coming seeing him?

Hotdogs19 August 6, 2020 6:01 pm

Doohwa looks freaking hot but why do I sense trouble coming seeing him?

    elisamartz August 6, 2020 6:18 pm

    Im guessing he’s an alpha? Maybe the other brother might think the doctor will try to get with him too? Which honestly I wouldn’t be surprised I hate the doctor

    Cinammon August 6, 2020 7:21 pm
    Im guessing he’s an alpha? Maybe the other brother might think the doctor will try to get with him too? Which honestly I wouldn’t be surprised I hate the doctor elisamartz

    I don't think Dojun realises how much of a playboy the Doc is yet.. Also, I doubt the Doc will show interest, he seems to have already developed feelings for Dojun though he has not realised it yet.

    Dowah seems to have his own protective side, so maybe he will get suspicious of the Doc and will discover his past.

    Hotdogs19 August 7, 2020 2:59 am
    I don't think Dojun realises how much of a playboy the Doc is yet.. Also, I doubt the Doc will show interest, he seems to have already developed feelings for Dojun though he has not realised it yet. Dowah seems... Cinammon

    Im just hoping that Dowah won't make unnecessary actions or worst became someone who'll get on our nerves.. And btw, Doc seems okay since he's really hands on to Doyun, yet I started to hate him when he took advantage on Dojun. Wrong move Doc (⊙…⊙ )