i mean i'm aroace (f) that reads yaoi and yuri because the stories are genuinely much more interesting than straight stories but that's just for romance, I still read a lot of action and fantasy and all that jazz. but to find a straight women that fetishes gay men is when they ship abusive couples and only like them because they are gay.

That,,,isn't good
Gay people aren't just something to fetishise and ogle at
id honestly just recommend you try shounen ai, since it's still gay but without all the sex and usually the stories are far more innocent and less problematic
Some of the people on this site need to realise that gay relationships aren't all about sex, and rape really isn't a good thing to normalise (which it often is in yaoi)
Think about how the LGBT community feel when straight cis women sexualise them while they're just trying to fight for their rights to be treated as normal human beings
You're not supporting them, you're feeding into the problem of treating them like objects that are somehow different from the rest of us.
How many of you are gay men indulging in mlm content because you want to and how many of you are just straight women who see gay men / yaoi as a fetish