I agree with you, I actually feel for all three people especially Ray, he actually did everything he could to protect Soha by not telling where the jewel is so he wouldn’t get abandoned. But Ray was starting to be left behind by Soha in a way because of love. So yeah I get Ray, yeah it’s not the right way to go he could like talk it out but that’s not how Rays personality is, he tends to be closed off and keeps his emotions inside. When he cried he realised he wasn’t cared for people just wanted to use him for his knowledge about the jewel. He may be another personality but he’s still human he’s just a different person in a shared body. He wants to live just as much as the next person he wants to be cared for too.
I do see why Ray is how he is...Soohyun only cares for soha it’s kinda obvious..Think about it..what if you had split personalities and you went through shit and you need someone to love and lean on.Your other “side”finds someone who loves them..but literally only loves “them”.Thats really fucked up..Wouldn’t you be jealous?Like that’s really really fucked up#-.-) If you really think about it ray kinda did all the work but Soohyun only likes Soha.I feel like if you love my quiet side you should also love my other side that not everybody sees Cause at the end of the day you feel in love with me so you should Care for both..And it started with Ray!I feel like what ray is doing is understandable.Im going to get hate but oh well..
Y’all need to stop being simple minded and actually pay attention.Understand why Ray lied and did what he did.Reread the chapters and actually understand why he did what he did.Put y’all selves in Ray’s Position..Cause honestly I would be upset and most likely jealous.Like yo if you fall Inlove with my other side you gonna have to fall in love with me because At the end of the day we are together literally we have the same body different attitude you finna have to work wit both of us ..You finna get both of us.I feel like its hard to maintain a relationship when you only like one side of them..I personally feel like if you date someone with split personality’s you should love both cause you know full on well you dating someone with split personalities so it’s best to love both.Because if you don’t love the other then you can leave..that’s my personal opinion on that..