
Shaquille Oatmeal August 5, 2020 11:54 pm

Guys help I'm panicking so much rn I'm supposed to go to a class but I'm really nervous so I feel sick and can't bring myself to go. This isn't the first time this happened too. I am planning on skipping now because I'm too scared...every time I have a class I have a nervous breakdown even tho logically it makes no sense to be nervous since I know what to expect. This time it's worse tho because I'm scared and on top of feeling sick I haven't been taking care of my physical health so my body is shit atm.
How am I supposed to get over this anxiety pls this has been going on for way too long

    Bobbyblubbys August 6, 2020 12:00 am

    Hiii! I’m not a medical expert, but I recommend clearing your mind and taking huge breaths. I know it sounds stupid, but it helped me before. Also try meditating!! If you still feel nervous afterwards, maybe do something that makes you happy. Happiness can cancel out your anxiety in some aspects.

    ciago August 6, 2020 12:15 am

    i hope you feel better love :( my friend has anxiety and what soothes him is looking around him and just stating what he sees (ex: blue lockers, tiled floors) then when he's calmed down he looks at cat pictures. i'm not sure if this is a real thing, but it really helps him to calm down. talking to other people about random things really helps too. what's your favorite manga? what music do you like to listen to?

    Shaquille Oatmeal August 6, 2020 12:19 am
    Hiii! I’m not a medical expert, but I recommend clearing your mind and taking huge breaths. I know it sounds stupid, but it helped me before. Also try meditating!! If you still feel nervous afterwards, maybe ... Bobbyblubbys

    Thanks I do take deep breaths already but whenever I do something that's not productive even if it's one hour before class I feel guilty and it makes me feel stunned almost like I can't do anything that makes me happy because the moment I forget about my worries it feels like I'm not doing what I'm supposed to

    machi August 6, 2020 12:20 am

    when my anxiety is really at it’s peak, breathing in and out slowly, listening to calm music and looking at cute animal pics help me;;; im not sure if this is helpful to you but i hope you feel better, love. please treat yourself when you get home if you can. I know you’re strong and had a tiresome day.

    Shaquille Oatmeal August 6, 2020 12:21 am
    i hope you feel better love :( my friend has anxiety and what soothes him is looking around him and just stating what he sees (ex: blue lockers, tiled floors) then when he's calmed down he looks at cat pictures... ciago

    Thanks for these far I've been trying to drown my worries by floading my mind with various forms of media like YouTube or manga and it's not working
    I'll try these next time like talking msc

    Shaquille Oatmeal August 6, 2020 12:23 am
    when my anxiety is really at it’s peak, breathing in and out slowly, listening to calm music and looking at cute animal pics help me;;; im not sure if this is helpful to you but i hope you feel better, love. ... machi

    It makes me feel so much better seeing these messages honestly

    Shaquille Oatmeal August 6, 2020 12:25 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! mushroom cloud

    It's been hard sleeping lately because my body can't feel comfortable so I always keep my body up until it drops dead
    I've also never been able to nap like other people cuz I don't fall asleep easily...
    This reasoning actually makes a lot of sense tho thx