About the fact that this is about a love triangle...If you don’t see the main character in the cover page with 1 other character, there’s probably more than one potential love interest. Even if they’re standing alone. Also, this is somewhat Jane the Virgin without the pregnancy.
From experience tho, if it's just one person on the cover, most of the time it's either a love triangle, or some sort of gang rape with random strangers. The latter being more common (  ̄∇ ̄||)
From experience tho, if it's just one person on the cover, most of the time it's either a love triangle, or some sort of gang rape with random strangers. The latter being more common (  ̄∇ ̄||) ren
Exactly. If they’re alone or with two people it’s most definitely a triangle of sorts. Sometimes it happens even if it’s showing multiple main characters even if the relationships aren’t between the main characters.
About the fact that this is about a love triangle...If you don’t see the main character in the cover page with 1 other character, there’s probably more than one potential love interest. Even if they’re standing alone. Also, this is somewhat Jane the Virgin without the pregnancy.