What Wookyung did was rape as well Penetrating him with the Anal tail plug was rape.
What Doona did when she whipped him and made him cum by stepping on his penis was sexual assault.
As for when he was in a vulnerable state he asked her not to leave and begged her to stay so I think it was consensual.

You got me on that part but I feel that was more sexual assault to me then rape.
For sure on Doona.
That was definitely not consensual cause he didn't say he wanted to have sex with her; he clearly just didn't want to be left alone....He freaked out in the bathroom at the park thinking Wookyung was going to come and find him plus she can't assume that he wanted sex from her just cause he kissed her after thanking her for helping him...

Penetration of the Vagina or Anus with a foreign object(Tail Anal Plug)without the consent of the victim is considered rape. What Wookyung did to Minho is Sexual Assault, Kidnapping, and Rape. Doona and Minho are just lucky Minho is a coward considering the crimes they committed against him he could have destroyed them.
I'm reading comments to see other people's views on the story and characters plus to spot some good spoilers BUT I'm confused if we're reading the same thing or not?? Did I skip over stuff or are people telling spoilers? I literally caught up with this whole manga all this morning and can only remember the small beautifully drawn details (EX: the bondage rope and Minho's back muscles) ( ̄∇ ̄")
I saw a few comments about who got raped and how many times or who had sex with who and I got lost...
btw Minho is a dick but he also is the most tortured character in here cause he was physically and sexually assaulted multiple times by 2 different people and was raped once; at least I feel like it was raped cause he was just sexually assaulted by Woongyung and was put in a scared and vulnerable state and Doona kinda just pushed him down and didn't even ask??? just cause someone said I love you doesn't mean yes...