I’m a clown :) August 5, 2020 12:54 am

So I’m probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but why do you all hate the uke I kinda can see why he’s annoying and selfish like he is he has a bab childhood wasn’t really wanted was ignored and probably felt unwanted in his own family so he finally got a lot of money and someone who cares about him he probably doesn’t know how to show affection or love sense he never got any as a kid and he probably can’t communicate we’ll sense his mom left when he was young and his dad thought he was a low class alpha so he didn’t give a fuck about him so he didn’t really get to see why couples are and thought be like that was like the real thing and he’s probably scared to talk because if something was right it can lead to a divorce.

So like why do you hate the uke if you read all of this it’s kinda just a question I have when reading the comments but uhhh I can handle all the hate and if I got something wrong please correct me it can be in a nice or mean why

    Lightsabers August 5, 2020 1:06 am

    I 100% agree with you. Heck if I were in his shoes and I went through all of that as a kid I'd probably go crazy.

    I’m a clown :) August 5, 2020 1:12 am
    I 100% agree with you. Heck if I were in his shoes and I went through all of that as a kid I'd probably go crazy. Lightsabers

    I’m glad someone agrees because I’ve been wanting to say this for away but I was waiting for a time when everyone was hating on him

    rei August 5, 2020 1:17 am

    nah you right some people just pressed. comparing your child to other children and being overly strict isn't good parenting but some people just don't realize that hyesung's intentions weren't to hurt him. he wanted byul to learn faster so he's not behind other kids and won't be judged for his intelligence. people forget or choose to ignore the fact that hyesung grew up in an environment constantly being judged academically to the point where he never finished school because of it. as byul's parent, of course he wouldn't want byul to grow up like him (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    nobile August 5, 2020 1:37 am

    I haven't read this one yet, but I read the main story this spinoff came from. Hyesung was definitely one of the characters I didn't like, always blaming others for his circumstance and never wanting to be responsible for his own actions (or lackthereof).
    I really liked Dojin on the main story, and he's the reason why I'm gonna read this story, hopefully Hyesung here is a bit better.

    rei August 5, 2020 1:46 am
    I haven't read this one yet, but I read the main story this spinoff came from. Hyesung was definitely one of the characters I didn't like, always blaming others for his circumstance and never wanting to be res... nobile

    samme i came from the first story and hated him. i hated him at the beginning of this spinoff too and he's still my least favorite character but he does progress a little in this story. he's a little more bearable and now i'm even defending him too like bruh

    I’m a clown :) August 5, 2020 3:49 am
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    Yes I’m not a fan of dojin when I reread this I skip to chapter 19 or 20 to skip all the unconventional sex like i usually am okay with rape like I don’t get all mad because I know it’s not real and it’s a story but this story makes me hate it so much and like he was trying to force hyesung to become his and just ughh I hope he has a pianful death for all of that but like I like him a tiny bit know but still he doesn’t really try to look at hyesung prospective and I hate it. He needs to learn that hyesung wasn’t raised like him and that he’s scared for people to see him married and having a kid at 22 my mom had me at 19 and she could not get things that married older people got like I never went to a daycare or anything because they think that young moms are gross and nasty

    nobile August 5, 2020 2:25 pm
    samme i came from the first story and hated him. i hated him at the beginning of this spinoff too and he's still my least favorite character but he does progress a little in this story. he's a little more beara... rei

    Yeah, it took a long time but I think I'm "OK" with Hyesung now. He was still very annoying in the spinoff, still using everyone else as an excuse for everything in his life and stuff. But yeah he's done a lot of character development and he's grown on me a bit :)