
niconii August 4, 2020 7:00 pm

Honestly speaking I don't want Hyun with either of them. I like both Ivan and Alek but honestly speaking they ONLY like him because of the imprint. If the imprint never happened, Ivan and Hyun would still fight each other, Alek who knows what would happen. He was quiet in the beginning but that was such a short time we don't know. Plus I believe they (Ivan and Alek) had a past relationship and are ex's. Their actions are so side eyeing with one another. Like someone got hurt and now they hate each other. I actually like Ivan and Alek together. I like them both with Hyun too but I don't like the whole fake liking thing. It's like putting a love potion on someone, it's not real :c it's fake. I'm only on Chapter 41 and slowly catching up but it's just good and sad :(

    niconii August 4, 2020 7:51 pm

    Update: There's no edit button so :')

    I take that back....they're brothers (step brothers) so definitely no past feelings between them. Unless calling someone brother is just a polite thing to do and they aren't actually brothers. :D

    niconii August 4, 2020 7:59 pm

    They're cousins DKUJWHDK

    BeepBopp August 4, 2020 10:18 pm

    Without the imprint, Ivan and Hyun wouldnt have become close and they wouldnt have fallen in love. But that doesnt mean their love is fake.

    Its as if you met your husband at a party where you were drunk. And being drunk made you more sociable which is how you exchanged numbers. And then someone says : your love isn't real because you wouldnt be together if you hadn't drank that night.

    The imprint gave the opportunity, thats it.

    Eno August 6, 2020 1:53 pm
    Without the imprint, Ivan and Hyun wouldnt have become close and they wouldnt have fallen in love. But that doesnt mean their love is fake. Its as if you met your husband at a party where you were drunk. And be... BeepBopp

    I agree