Ah yes. I didn’t mention it because I don’t know the whole story..I guess if you’re trying to churn out a decent scan + translation (despite the manga being a huge time sink when it comes to editing) while at the same time some people who should knew better are trying to pressure them to release faster, and there is another group who releases the same thing, it can definitely get on your nerves.
We moochers just have to be thankful that someone is taking the time to scanlate, no matter how late it is. Getting them late is better than nothing

Yeah. It’s annoying that some people don’t (or won’t understand) that English scans does not fall from the heavens..translations and page cleaning takes time. And when we say time we mean from several hours up until several days. And these scanlators are not being paid either. Imagine the complaints from these ungrateful moochers if they were told they have to pay before they can read a manga, geez

YES HUNN LOUDERRR !! i really can't stand demanding people who are very ungrateful for what tge scans offer like come on we are here we have infamous scans out there to serve free chaps WE ARE HERE TO READ IT FREE if those pleasants want the dish served fresh and quick then they should've brought the official chaps this is getting pretty annoying behavior uhhhh
I've been reading the raws and was so glad that FINALLY some kind people picked this up and give us English translation, i can understand the story much better.
BUT now i am sad that the DOLSE DREAM had DROPPED this project because of trouble they encounter, i very well understand and would like to GIVE THANKS TO DOLCE DREAM FOR THEIR HARD WORK, Y'ALL DONE GREAT YOU COME THIS FAR FOR US WE APPRECIATE YOUR HELP AND KINDNESS