Akihito has two main conflicts in his relationship with Asami. First there is the fact that Aki is a criminal photojournalist and Asami is a criminal overlord that Aki was trying to get a story on in order to take him down. Over time as their relationship has developed Akihito is having a hard time wanting to do so even though the criminal acts go against his own morals.
Second, Akihito is having to come to terms with his own sexuality in that he is attracted to Asami. In these early chapters Aki sees acts of intimacy between them as shamefull, but that changes over time as he comes to accept his feelings for Asami
For both of these reasons Akihito has to look at his own beliefs and morals, which are changing. With Asami having such a strong presence Aki has a hard time doing so unless he is away from him. That's why Aki kept running away. In the end though Aki's feelings were too strong and he didn't want to be away from Asami and ended up staying.

True what NW wrote, but the actual reason Akihito took off at that particular time was that Akihito was certain that Asami was seeing and having sex with another man (Sudou). This made him question just HOW many other people (male or female) Asami was involved with, which made Akihito think he was insignificant to Asami. Then Sudou, who was painfully aware that Akihito was indeed special to Asami and insanely jealous about it, purposely fed into his fear by saying "You're just one in a string of many. You didn't think you were special, did you?" He's the one who forced Akihito's hand in leaving Asami, but it was really because Akihito believed the relationship was one-sided.
However, in that short time away, Akihito realized that his feelings toward Asami were so strong, that he was willing to put up with being one of many. Within the next couple of hours of deciding that, he discovered he'd been wrong about Asami and Sudou, and readers learn that Asami had been just as insecure about Akihito as Akihito had been about Asami. Once Akihito accidentally gave away what had really prompted him to leave (jealousy over thinking Asami was romantically involved with Sudou), Asami was absolutely delighted because it explained Akihito strange behavior just before he left him (Asami had also feared Akihito had found another lover).
Within hours of THAT (in the warehouse with Sudou), Akihito finally realized that he's been an important part of Asami's personal life since the day he was kidnapped and taken to Hong Kong.
Can someone explain to me the content in chap 48 volume 7? In chap 46, uke wants to run away seme but in chap 48 page 1 he thought "i'm here because i want to by his side". It's difficult to understand what does he mean
I'm not good at english so sorry if i mistake