Yeah, in recent chapter navier is pregnant with henley's kid, she is healed bcs she have healer ring (from her and sovieshit wedding gift) and always wears it, while sovieshit only save it in box... Well he reap what he sow
But at some point, i feel pity of him. 2 close friend had to be separated just bcs the thirdwheel.

Oh wow. That's amazing! I want a healer ring too. LOL
Just hypothetical question though, if sovieshit has a healer ring too, and if he wears it, will he get fertile too? And what if navier gets pregnant, then she removes or loses the ring, then will she get sick then or loses the baby?
And yes, its sad... Just because of a home wreckers called trashta. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

The author describe the ring have power to heal any sickness by the time, so if sovieshit wears it constantly he will be healed and will become fertile. Unfortunately, he is blinded by his dick and give his ring to trashta, but trashta is stupid she give the ring to the viscount as a bribe bcs she doesnt know about the ring power.
While navier poison already being neutralized by the ring power, she is not having he poison within her body, so she is fertile now.
I take it, after the emperor bring trashta to palace, he and navier dont do deed for a long time. Thats indicates by navier line that she and sovieshit only met during eating time...

Yeah, its the same ring in chap 24.. Also sovieshit kinda notice that the ring has gone so he asked trashta where is the ring, and trashta bullshitting said that she gave the ring to thw poor maid, and sovieshit have no shame, he asked navier to give her ring so he could give trashta navier's ring
Ur welcome;)) i really adore this series and its really nice to have discussion over this series :)))
ughhhh that trashbich really getting on my nerve. I really hate homewrecker bish SHE DESERVE A HELL!!!!!!
So i read the korean novel on naver webnovel, and that shit sovieshit have the nerve to divorce navier bcs he want to force navier to be the empress mother of trashta daughter. That shit thought that navi will accept his idea and just stay silent, but thank authornim, karma bite his ass fufufufu
In the latest chapter, trashta agreed to take paternal test (bcs some nobles had doubt about the daughter paternity, mainly the reason is bcs the daughter appearance is truly similar with trashta) to prove thar her daughter is sovieshit's daughter. So she and soveshit take the paternal test with many nobles and high priest as eyewitness, and BOIII I LIKE THIS PART, the baby girl is proven to be trashta and allen's daughter, not sovieshit's daughter HAHAHAHAHA all her plan to be empress permanent is really small chance now....
While sovieshit is angry bcs the test result is insulting him, he is mad at trashta, at allen, and duke ergi have the balls to bring trasha son (that being hidden by viscount and allen) to the palace and say "well i gotta bring this little boy to meet his father and mother" trashta is shocked, she wail screaming "that is not true. Pls test one more, you gotta believe me" blablabla but sovieshit is like have enough, he left, and he is brooding over his plan now bcs everything seems backfire to him and he is like regretting his decision to divorcing navier, while navier is getting happy married to henley and they are busy flirting to each other ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Well this is my thought.
Both, sovieshit and navier ate the poison cookies in their childhood (the cookies contain formula that can make someone become infertile) so the reason navier isnt getting pregnant after all the years, it could be also sovieshit is infertile as well..