bruh theyre otp/i would never droppppp

Kun-kun August 3, 2020 1:46 pm

this is too sweet to not read just because u dont like havi. bruh im saying if havi was male ya'll would love itttt. or if it was yaoi too/////*//////*///// i loved the whole plot from the very beginning and i'm sticking to thissssss. kinda refraining myself from reading the comments because all there is, is negativity

    Tai August 5, 2020 2:56 am

    if this was a BL it would be much more beloved. i can just imagine people finding the cute bottom in the relationship squeaking about how they dont rly wanna do it and then coming and being fine with it as evidence of tru luv and very sexy but if u make the top/dom a female suddenly everyone cares really hard about the particulars of consent in adult fiction.

    Ryofu Housen August 7, 2020 8:31 am

    I don’t hate Havi but what she did was a Dumbina move.

    Kun-kun August 7, 2020 9:18 am
    if this was a BL it would be much more beloved. i can just imagine people finding the cute bottom in the relationship squeaking about how they dont rly wanna do it and then coming and being fine with it as evid... Tai

    i totally agree with u!!

    Kun-kun August 7, 2020 9:26 am
    I don’t hate Havi but what she did was a Dumbina move. Ryofu Housen

    i love her personality but people are hating on her for being too straightforward and pushy (yes i didn't like her fingering his ass while he was constantly saying no) BUT if a male character had been portrayed with havi's personality...most people would've found it attractive, and don't even get me started on the fact that if this was yaoi, people would've been perfectly fine over this issue. they would've seen the uke as 'shy' and 'embarrassed'.

    Ryofu Housen August 7, 2020 9:58 am
    i totally agree with u!! Kun-kun

    I find women raping women and Women raping men hot asf but am not a fan of men raping women and men raping men so I think it just depends on what you are into and I never been one to kinkshame. If people hate on Havi for what she did but would have found it hot in BL that is fine. Straight rape, BL rape, and GL rape aren't the same thing and some people actually prefer wholesome vanilla consensual sex with no room for doubt on whether it was consensual or not all of these are valid.

    To invalidate people's feelings on it and imply they are being misogynistic is disingenuous at best, lying at worst, or both.

    Ryofu Housen August 7, 2020 10:02 am
    I find women raping women and Women raping men hot asf but am not a fan of men raping women and men raping men so I think it just depends on what you are into and I never been one to kinkshame. If people hate o... Ryofu Housen

    Also the ones complaining about the complainers are just as annoying.

    Ryofu Housen August 7, 2020 10:18 am
    Also the ones complaining about the complainers are just as annoying. Ryofu Housen

    If a male character was portrayed as Havi and Yul was portrayed as female I would have dropped this. A man being a pig trying to have sex with a women that is trying to protect her chastity and than putting his finger up her ass while she says no would have been a problem for me, but unlike most I am honest about my biases and don't need to make excuses for them.

    Tai August 16, 2020 10:00 pm
    i love her personality but people are hating on her for being too straightforward and pushy (yes i didn't like her fingering his ass while he was constantly saying no) BUT if a male character had been portrayed... Kun-kun

    i know this is a late reply but having read some more BL lately the double standard is GLARING. there are def BLs that get pushback for being rapey, but those are usually quite extreme/overt in their ~Problematique~ elements. meanwhile Havi is alot more considerate to Yul than Alex/Jiwon in BJ Alex was to his partner for the majority of that comic's run. and people LOVE that comic. and while its not my fave i also too like that comic! So this isnt me hating on that comic but wanting to question why there wasnt scores of comments calling Jiwon a raging dickhead who deserves 2 be dumped when thats p much what he was until like chpt 58. (altho tbf he is briefly dumped haha) and that's just one example among many others in the genre. Also even after they are a couple there's plenty of scenes of the dominant partner kinda overwhelming the submissive partner with his sexual needs/strong desire for him. and its either played as sexy or for humor. and since its fiction/fantasy im ok with it, and i enjoy me some sex scenes but again its not at all less problematic than what Havi does to Yul in chpt 58-59 or w/e and in fact This is the first 19 rated comic ive seen that really has partners sit down and discuss their sexual boundaries and consent. but its still also traffics in certain fantasies which is why you have Yul acting bashful and reluctant only to get into it in the end. the appeal of Yul is seeing this buttoned up boy scout slowly give in to desire and let himself go thanks to Havi when he lbr wouldnt have done so on his own. she is there to help him out of his comfort zone a bit (within reason!) and out of his shell. just like having Yul in her life helps ground Havi and now she's interested in monogamy/commitment when she def wasnt before. anyway that's my Hot Take for now as of chpt 63. will be interesting to see how their relationship and sexual chemistry evolves going forward.

    Nino October 19, 2020 4:15 pm
    i know this is a late reply but having read some more BL lately the double standard is GLARING. there are def BLs that get pushback for being rapey, but those are usually quite extreme/overt in their ~Problemat... Tai

    unbelievable we dont read the same thing in 58/59 she clearly rape him, how ppl can that blind ???

    He said a clear and strong NO, he even put her down violently, she came back to him and made him believe it was ok, she waited for the moment he lowered his guard and then raped him, and even during the rape he told her clearly several times to stop, but she continued even so, and she was even very proud of what happened next.

    Tai October 19, 2020 7:18 pm
    unbelievable we dont read the same thing in 58/59 she clearly rape him, how ppl can that blind ???He said a clear and strong NO, he even put her down violently, she came back to him and made him believe it was ... Nino

    ? lol wut. they alrdy agreed upon having sex during that time, he even dressed up for her. it was a consensual encounter. the dubious consent is in her fingering his ass. but again he's fine with it in the end and thats a common trope in smut comics and this is overall very mild. if u gonna get up in arms over that then maybe read smth else altho ill be amazed if u find a smut comic that is 100% unproblematic and realistic at All times. but hey knock urself out.

    Nino October 19, 2020 7:43 pm
    ? lol wut. they alrdy agreed upon having sex during that time, he even dressed up for her. it was a consensual encounter. the dubious consent is in her fingering his ass. but again he's fine with it in the end ... Tai

    What I'm criticising are simply your arguments that try at all costs to make rape look like a consensual act, what I find dangerous and disgusting so :

    "dubious consent is in her fingering his ass "lol ? that was pur rape, he told no so many time but she continued.

    "but again he's fine with it in the end", i reapet my self but he tod her so many time NO even when he was raped, and after that "next day" he was too ashamed to talk about it.

    you now that all raped women don't have the physical or psychological strength to push back their rapist, and even 80% of them have an orgasm, and after their rape the majority of them don't have the courage to talk about it because of shame ? so for you it's ok? after all they dont complain and even orgasmed like yul.

    What I'm criticising are simply your arguments that try at all costs to make rape look like a consensual act.

    Tai October 19, 2020 9:04 pm
    What I'm criticising are simply your arguments that try at all costs to make rape look like a consensual act, what I find dangerous and disgusting so :"dubious consent is in her fingering his ass "lol ? that w... Nino

    real life crime statistics wrt women being raped have nothign to do with this comic. this is a piece of erotica. its meant to appeal to certain fantasies and to tittilate the reader. now for some people yul not being 100 percent into what havi was doing is a turn of. and thats ok. but for others Yul being reluctant but then giving in and enjoying it IS a turn on and in fact this is veeeery commin in a ton of BL and het smut comics. while those comics can be criticzed at times for this or disliked. its more often than not (esp in BL) that people just take it as a given and move on. i have never seen THIS much handwringing about Consent in a slice of life romance smutty comic where the dominant partner isnt a woman. its esp bizarre causes this comic has maybe 1 (long) sex scene every 20 chpts. like yall arent being constantly having it shoved in ur face. furthermore the individual dynamics at play in this relationship are relevant to deciding how Problematic a scene is. we cant know what goes on in the minds or the lives of people in fucking surveys or data collection like what ur quoting but we know full well who havi is and what she's about. Yul is a bit more mysterious but one thing that isnt mysterious is how he feels about sex. he's drawn his boundaries and if after an act of sex that he wasnt originally thrilled with, he is not upset with havi at all. it stands to reason that he was ok with it in the end. this should not be such a big fuckin deal tbh. this is a comic for adults about adults and it is SO mild and not dark at all and so sweet. and its rarely raunchy. like where and why is all this outrage? (and why are these comments being made like several months after the chpts u guys seem to be referring to even came out??)

    Nino October 19, 2020 9:40 pm
    real life crime statistics wrt women being raped have nothign to do with this comic. this is a piece of erotica. its meant to appeal to certain fantasies and to tittilate the reader. now for some people yul not... Tai

    again I'm not talking about this comics, and I don't care if rape and sexual harassment is a normal thing in the BL/GL/ or whatever, what I find disgusting is people like you trying to make these crimes look acceptable.

    Tai October 19, 2020 11:34 pm
    again I'm not talking about this comics, and I don't care if rape and sexual harassment is a normal thing in the BL/GL/ or whatever, what I find disgusting is people like you trying to make these crimes look ac... Nino

    this is so stupid lol. how is anyone in this thread arguing that rape is ok or an acceptable crime? im first saying she did NOT rape him. so thats alrdy a fallacy ur putting forth. i cant justify a crime that didnt even occur. also this is FICTION ffs. and three I AM talking about this comic. i have no interest in discussing crime statistics or rape. im talking about this fictional story and what it hink about it and why i think u didnt interpret the scene correctly. you going around moralizing in the comments about "justifying a crime" like ur saving all the assault survivors with nonsensical moralizing about imaginary rape in a made up comic for adults is just baffling to me and i feel bad i wasted time writing responses you obviously dont want to actually dicuss something u want to just be self righteous and narrow minded. so bye.