Omg finally someone that gets what I’m feeling bro it’s been pissing me of some much that people are giving him shit like I’m sorry it’s isn’t his fault that he couldn’t control himself like hello pheromones make alphas loose control and either way the kid was begging for it during his heat so no one if at fault because no one was in their right mind but I mean I get that the blonde kid wasn’t ready to be a mom but he still has no right to take it out on anyone especially the baby because if he would’ve taken better care of himself not believing that stupid lie about him being an alpha like you’d have to be dumb to believe that especially with that Body but again I don’t hate him I just hate his ignorance but at the end of the day he needs to get his head out of his ass and realize that he has another life that he needs to take care of and he needs to stop caring about what other people think of him he also can’t go around blaming anyone else for his problems I’m sorry that I ranted but I just really needed someone to listen so I can let off some steam from the stress this story has given me again sorry if I ranted it’s just I don’t have friends that I can talk to about this stuff

I totally agree with youu this is the same thing I said but I get so much hate people being biased just because they love him but the truth is he is one of the most slow characters development that I ever see in a manga dojin doing his best first he takes care of byul and his job and his mate he literally the one who have the right to get stressed not the omega but he didn't let his emotions control his actions I am proud of him hahahaha I feel like a proud mom

Ok hold up I’m not saying that rape is ok because I’ve been raped before when I was 12 and trust me I can tell the difference if you consider what happened rape than that’s wack because while the pheromones where affecting this dude he tried to resist to the best of his capabilities and then the dude in his heat started begging for it you can’t blame either party cuz like I said both party’s where affected by the pheromones and also whom the fuck would be jealous of a fucking drawing that’s delusional as fuck and my lesbian as would never be jealous of that and also I understand the trauma he’s gone through and I can relate to most of it but that still doesn’t give him the excuse to treat the baby and his mate like that cuz if that’s how he’s going to be then he should’ve have left like he said he would and the alpha paid him to carry the baby so that whole part about him being force is just stupid he agreed to carry the baby in order to get the money so in other words he was like a surrogate so he can’t be me mad about that cuz he sold his baby and the only reason he stayed was cuz of the fated pairs thing if it wouldn’t have been because of that he would’ve left like the dead beat mom he would’ve been if he left so don’t go saying he’s a pure little angel when In reality he’s the worst in the whole story and I’m sorry if this is offending u but none of the things that happened are the alphas fault and it’s not the omegas either it’s just the omega was in the wrong place when he found out about being an omega but he should be glad he wasn’t actually raped and Ravaged by those types of alphas you see in other mangas cuz if that would’ve been the case then yeah you can say he was raped because what I’ve seen in other omegavers mangas that has been rape in this one the dude tried to resist and instead of ravaging and mistreating the omega he tried his best to not do it to hard and was gentle so he wouldn’t hurt the dude and I’m sorry that you see that as rape is just not correct cuz I’ve experienced what rape is firsthand and that just wasn’t it

Oh ok then at that time yeah that was rape but I mean the dude gave in half way through and he let him continue so yeah it was instigated rape but he ended up ok with it so that’s the part where people are choosing sides like yes it begins as instigated rape but letter the dude was ok with it and then in later chapters he cleared the rape by saying he liked so that’s where people are not comprehending if it was rape or not cuz in the end the dude was ok with it and then even during the act itself he let him continue and then the dude knotted him which was stupid but yet again that’s another thing he can’t really control at times but honestly I just wanna know why the fuck we are arguing about shit that’s happening in a fucking book and also where arguing about sex between to genders we our self don’t even understand like do we know how omega pheromones affect alphas and do we know how the alpha feels if you look at it from that perspective then you also have to consider that the omega pheromones have the same effect as the alphas pheromones they both make u loose control over everything so if you look at it from that perspective then they both raped eachother that’s why I don’t like when people fight about shit that happens in omegavers comics like if we understood how their genetics worked but for fuck sakes we are fighting over a drawing god this is just giving me a headache and I already have a concussion from hitting my head on a wall yesterday So if we could come to a conclusion then yeah I’ll side with u sure let’s call it rape (Even though the dude said he was ok with it in latter chapters)but that still isn’t an excuse for all the people that are hating on the alpha dude like I’m sorry but he still better than most other alphas I’ve seen ok ima go drink an Advil I’ll come see your answer later

Ok yea he might have been h*rny but that doesnt justify it. Plus Dojin does have some of the blam b Hye-sung didnt want the baby to begin with. Another thing, Hye-sung has had development throughout the story but it seems the Dojin is still the same. He still smothers and manipulates Hye-sung when Hye-sung is trying his best. He JUST turned 21 and had a bad childhood so I feel that Dojin needs to sympathize a bit more wjhen it comes to Hye-sung.

I give my condolences to your family as a victim myself I know what they went through but this dude did forgive him the whole chapter was the alpha avoiding the kid cuz he was afraid the same thing would happen it was the chapter after the kid came back and finally decided to stay somewhere around there like I’m just saying the kid forgave him and he even said he liked it I understand it was rape from an outside perspective but of the kid forgave there’s no reason outside people should be giving dojin or whatever his name is hate

HE SOLD HIS CHILD HE LOST EVERY RIGHT to complain after he signed the papers to sold his kid after he signed that paper the kid was no longer his he was just caring it the only reason he can do anything is because he stayed but the kid was still sold he used the money even so there’s nothing to say about that

Guys NO ONE JUSTIFY RAPE ! OMG ! IS THAT ALL YOU UNDERSTAND ?! dojin never forced hyesung to have sex with him , never ! It was all about the baby . Our dear hyesung ran and left dojin alone to take care of byul . ALONE.
then after that incident of not being able to have sex with anyone he came back to dojin .
If dojin was a fucking mad rapist he would never forgive him and marry him .
Reread the manhwa . No one forced Mr hyesung into being horny no one + that lil baby needs loving parents , if hyesung doesn't want to have a baby at this age , he should leave them and find a life rather than giving them hard time .
Stop throwing your shit on dojin , he's already suffering okay ? Whenever hyesung's weak personality appears , everyone starts blaming dojin and sayin' that he ra*ed hyesung and gave him a baby as if hyesung himself wasn't horny