
Because the aunt is a schizophrenic, she wants anyone who CAN inherit besides her children, DEAD.
That, and she probably somehow believes, in her deranged mind, that Avery is out for revenge or to get the dukedom back, conveniently forgetting that she'd have to give up her noble title. Unless marrying royalty actually means you get to keep noble titles. We see that Matthew is engaged to the Princess, but there's no mention of him losing his title (unless the Princess is the one renouncing her title).
Dumb shit: YoU kNoW aS a MaN i CaN fOrCe A mArRiAgE!!
Me: And you know if she stabs you, you can die right?
Also, just a thought...if Avery marries ML, wouldn't she have to give up her right to be the heir anyway? So WHY TF are they getting involced?! You imbeciles!!