No matter what they do, they cannot be happy together.

oof August 2, 2020 3:10 pm

With the ending scene of this chapter, it looks like there is hope for them to be happy with one another, but I think it's impossible, yet possible. If they end up together, relationship or not, I doubt it would be a happy friendship. Dohyun would have to become entirely submissive to Sungho, like the previous days when Sungho had brought him to his parent's house, or Sungho would have to understand that he cannot have 100% of Dohyun. Their personalities are like puzzle pieces that are at completely different ends of the puzzle. Sungho is too mentally unsound to flourish properly. Dohyun isn't okay either. believe it would be best for them to part ways and never meet up again.

    Yeeyee August 2, 2020 3:25 pm

    like yeah. if they do end up together, u just can't forget that you have not seen people in like forever and your lover is phyco. they will get mad and hurt each other 24/7