Well you and I know very little of this story. The sure thing that is implied is that both sides killed in the past and that now both sides have enforcers with licence to kill if the border is crossed. So he is in a legal task force. If humans are crossing I am sure beast task force will do the same (but we are not reading a yaoi with a beastman as ml). He does not go to beast territory and kill for fun or revenge. He does it legally. Judging something so strange and non-existent is not wise. The mainframe of their society is different from ours.
Genocide? Dude, you see the seme killing beasts from this one crime group and you call that genocide? where did you get that shit from. You're talking as if he's out to wipe out the whole species. Way to single out one character when almost every character there except for the uke is guilty of multiple horrible crimes. Also which part of the story did the seme racially profiles beasts???? Please give me link to the pages
I do not think they want to hurt him. While he broke the law by being in human territory he is a hybrid and also I think his brother is the dark haired bodyguard. But we clearly saw the leader saying "bring him back unharmed". Also the only piece of law info we have is that crossing territories is punishable by death. So actually this is a crime for them. Maybe cruel or strange to us but that is not our reality and it is govern by other laws. If we were to take the whole story seriously you have to be 100% sure that you take everything into account. If there were mass killings from both sides, separation and border crossing with death penalty was a valiant peace effort. But my point here is that serious analysis needs serious data. Which we don't have.
The Seme literally commits genocide against beastfolks because of one incident with his family has him racially profiling all beast people and I'm supposed to root for him? A murderer... nah