
Hela August 1, 2020 4:52 pm

I don't really know korean culture but this level of rumors seems unreal, made this chapter a little weird, I couldn't relate.

    Deee August 2, 2020 1:39 am

    I don't know that its the level of rumor, but it very uncommon for them to divorce. I also am not sure about the amount of rumors, I have lived both in the suburbs and a small college town (pop 3,000) and just from living in an environment like that for a year I have seen rumors spread that dramatically and people make shit up out of pure bordem, I can only image how bad it would be in middle school or high school when Kids are especially vicious.

    Nimmi August 2, 2020 3:40 am

    I’m not from Korea but I am from an Asian country and from personal experience in my own culture I can say the way they depicted the rumours is very accurate, I’d say it’s even worse!! The Asian community is veryyy conservative so I could relate a lot to that part of the story. Also!! As international student, what he said about how it feels like he never left Korea because of the people in his university is a pretty good depiction of Asian communities in universities abroad :/

    moonvbyul August 2, 2020 3:57 am

    I've been through worse than what the author wrote in this webtoon so ya rumours are rlly bad. Reputation is everything in my school. And I mean it even tchers would be nicer and friendlier with students who are popular in the school it's sad but tru...

    Hela August 2, 2020 8:01 am

    Wow, thanks. It's still a little hard to imagine but seems it really depends of where you live.
    I'm thankful that I never saw it while at school or university. Sorry for you guys who went through it.

    ayayayay August 3, 2020 3:28 pm

    actually the level of rumours in this chapter is much better than the rumours I had encountered both middle school and high-school. Rumours are very scary as it will be pass into one another.