I follow Saezuru Steve on twitter and I saw the screen shots of the translation that was put up, and it was absolutely ass. I feel so bad bc apparently the people that did it attached someone else's scan group's credit page, which makes them look bad. And Yoneda (and us too tbh) deserve a better scan lmao.

Because someone put their awful work on while crediting a team that has nothing to do with it and have done incredible work so far, with quality, all that for free and are working right now on the translation? I mean it is a big fuck you to our team, to the artist, and you all, just because people want it faster. It is the second time apparently it happened and our team was really furious.
Honestly it wasn't a nice version.
It was the raw bent snapshot of the magazine page, with still the Japanese translation and just a box planted sometimes on a drawn panel with all the page dialogue on it. It help nothing.

i think the same how dare they complain when it's free and pirated and people are working their ass off in return for nothing showing a little gratitude why is it so hard for them ? if they want high quality the scanlation team will provide it when they get their hands on it we dont have to complain why can't they just thank them and move on !! also cherry blossom after winter the team didn't get the smut version so they uploaded the next chapter but people were like crazy about it this truly sucks how ungrateful and selfish some people are!
I hate mangago's stupid update system.
Don't play with my heart. Especially not with this manga since it updates so rarely. I can't take this!!!
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸