Biggest pet peeves in yaoi?

Goat August 1, 2020 2:26 am

I'll start: when someone easily forgives their partner when they do a really shitty and hurtful thing, no apology or talk at all. Another is when they fall in love within the first 30 damn pages. The third is putting it in without prep, bc damn that's painful. And the last is when the bottom is super girly and delicate, like soft bottoms are fine but when the eyes cover half the face and they're all tiny and frail it urks me for some reason

    citlaaaaaali August 1, 2020 2:29 am

    it’s the rape for me

    allibaba August 1, 2020 2:37 am

    kinda hate the strong seme, weak uke trope.
    also hate it when the uke is as stupid and naive as a newborn.
    just hate an easily manipulated uke that has no self-confident or goal in life and is only in the story for the seme to look cool and powerful.
    don't get me wrong, i like it when the uke is dominated bc yes daddies yummy, but i dont like it when the uke is an empty pretty doll

    eunice✿ August 1, 2020 2:38 am
    it’s the rape for me citlaaaaaali

    its the naive ukes for me

    iwaizumikin August 1, 2020 2:40 am
    it’s the rape for me citlaaaaaali

    deadass its so normalized ew

    boarmann August 1, 2020 3:11 am

    the basic conflict of some other guy wanting the mc.
    like what are even the chances of running into another gay guy that happens to also like the mc?? also i find it kinda funny how rape is so prominent in yaoi. like compared to women, men have a less than 5% chance of getting raped by another guy. yaoi really just said fuck statistics.

    ciago August 1, 2020 3:14 am
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    it honestly makes me wonder how hard it could be to make a character NOT rape another character. like who thinks of something romantic and just go "yeah i'd love for a guy to push me down in the middle of the nurse's office and just stick is schlung up my ass without my consent"

    Goat August 1, 2020 6:39 am
    the basic conflict of some other guy wanting the what are even the chances of running into another gay guy that happens to also like the mc?? also i find it kinda funny how rape is so prominent in yaoi.... boarmann

    YES EXACTLYYY, then the bottom will be like "he raped me because... he loves me, omg so romantic "

    ali August 1, 2020 6:50 am

    most of my pet peeves are with the sex scenes haha:

    - when the couple is having sex (consensual) and the uke keeps saying things like "no" , "not there" instead of being vocal about their pleasure (like jude from nemuri otoko to koi otoko). like, i always here the semes go, "it feels so good inside you" and zilch from the ukes. if you like it, why do we have to know about how it feels thorough your monologues/thought bubbles? your man can't hear that, tell him LMAO.

    - also when the semes show no other facial expression during sex scenes while the ukes are a blushing and crying messes.

    - and when only the uke is naked while the seme keeps his clothes on. (surprisingly, sihyun from red candy actually told his bf upfront he didn't like when he kept his clothes on during sex. props to him for communicating, i'd never see a couple in yaoi talk about that kind of stuff)

    Goat August 1, 2020 7:01 am
    most of my pet peeves are with the sex scenes haha:- when the couple is having sex (consensual) and the uke keeps saying things like "no" , "not there" instead of being vocal about their pleasure (like jude fro... ali

    I hate all of these too, during real sex tops aren't stone faced so where did they get the idea to put it into manga hhh, and the bottoms consenting then immediately saying "nooo wait stop", and when the top stops the bottom goes "wait what why'd you stop", I can't handle it mannn

    IAppreciateThatBro August 2, 2020 12:53 am

    I feel really uncomfortable when yaoi regularly seems to sexualize/normalize scenarios that I as a woman really fear happening to me whenever I’m outside by myself. Rape, forced submission when the guys don’t even know each other, pestering flirts, I don’t care if it’s sexy sometimes. There’s always a little thought in the back of my mind going “I would be terrified if this kind of thing actually happened to me.”