imastealyaspot July 31, 2020 9:18 pm


    96neko July 31, 2020 9:48 pm

    Lmao I’m sorry but you literally pirate this comic for free. People like myself who pay for it every week and support the author so you even CAN enjoy it don’t have to withhold discussions because the illegal reader is worried about being spoiled. Don’t want to be spoiled? Buy the mf chapter.

    BobiTheBest July 31, 2020 10:07 pm
    Lmao I’m sorry but you literally pirate this comic for free. People like myself who pay for it every week and support the author so you even CAN enjoy it don’t have to withhold discussions because the illeg... 96neko

    Why the f*ck do you have a registration in this "pirate" site if you pay for it every week and use the legal site?
    Oooo i get it you especially you have registered so that you can write comments about how you are a better person than us.♡

    Luu July 31, 2020 10:09 pm
    Lmao I’m sorry but you literally pirate this comic for free. People like myself who pay for it every week and support the author so you even CAN enjoy it don’t have to withhold discussions because the illeg... 96neko

    Yeah! (⌒▽⌒)
    Poor people should not be able to enjoy things and must have their fun always spoiled by people who are more fortunate!
    Woah you are sooo nice!

    For everyone else who's a descent person support the author if you can, however if you can't don't feel bad about it.
    Being impoverished or simply broke should not stop you from having fun.

    96neko July 31, 2020 10:12 pm
    Why the f*ck do you have a registration in this "pirate" site if you pay for it every week and use the legal site?Oooo i get it you especially you have registered so that you can write comments about how you a... BobiTheBest

    Because Lezhin doesn’t have forum dumbfuck. I have no problem with people who pirate out of circumstance and support when they can. I converse with them myself and understand, it’s when people that pirate grow a sense of entitlement that irk me. Do you honestly believe you deserve to not be spoiled or have any entitlement to any part of a work you don’t pay for?

    96neko July 31, 2020 10:19 pm
    Yeah! (⌒▽⌒) Poor people should not be able to enjoy things and must have their fun always spoiled by people who are more fortunate! Woah you are sooo nice!For everyone else who's a descent person support ... Luu

    “POoR pEOplE cAnT EnJoY thInGs” Give me a fucking break. It’s like akin to walking into a store and stealing a luxury item because you believe you should be able to “enjoy” it. Wtf is wrong with you? This is LITERALLY how the author makes her living you entitled brat. “Don’t feel bad about it and have fun”? Yea ok, as the author literally has severe stress induced episodes where she even considered stopping the comic altogether because people like you ENCOURAGE others not to pay her. You don’t care in the fucking slightest about her. I don’t care if you have to pirate due to your circumstance and are working toward buying the chapters. But people like you that believe you DESERVE to view her work without paying a damn thing is the problem with the people on this site. I’m not saying I’ve never been guilty of pirating as a kid, but I never jumped through hoops and did flips to come up with a justification for why I wasn’t wrong in doing it. You can pirate. Fine. Just know what you are. It’s not hard.

    Haikyuuuu July 31, 2020 10:26 pm
    “POoR pEOplE cAnT EnJoY thInGs” Give me a fucking break. It’s like akin to walking into a store and stealing a luxury item because you believe you should be able to “enjoy” it. Wtf is wrong with you? ... 96neko

    but why are you here like this is an illegal website you obviously come here to read comics too maybe you buy this webtoon and support the author but you read other comics here too. your just as guilty as the rest of us, I agree pirating is wrong but you do it too just being on this website.

    96neko July 31, 2020 10:29 pm
    but why are you here like this is an illegal website you obviously come here to read comics too maybe you buy this webtoon and support the author but you read other comics here too. your just as guilty as the r... Haikyuuuu

    Literally just said I come here for the forum for this comic. Maybe read.

    kirs10 July 31, 2020 10:37 pm

    it’s not that hard know...not read the comments

    Haikyuuuu July 31, 2020 10:41 pm
    Literally just said I come here for the forum for this comic. Maybe read. 96neko

    yea but you joined in 2014 so obviously you came here before to read comics and not just look at the forums

    justme July 31, 2020 11:07 pm
    Because Lezhin doesn’t have forum dumbfuck. I have no problem with people who pirate out of circumstance and support when they can. I converse with them myself and understand, it’s when people that pirate ... 96neko

    and who are you to be this annoyed,the author maybe? lmao its not your bussines where and how people read and since you also come here in this illegal site whatever the reason you arent any better since im sure you have read mangas here .........

    Hadis July 31, 2020 11:12 pm

    I fucking enjoy when you argue about sth so worthless.Lol(⌒▽⌒) I and the others come here just for the comments and exchanging our ideas about the manhwa. if you can't stand it, just ignore the comments. 'Cause it's gonna update here tomorrow too anyway.Simple like that.

    Luu July 31, 2020 11:19 pm
    “POoR pEOplE cAnT EnJoY thInGs” Give me a fucking break. It’s like akin to walking into a store and stealing a luxury item because you believe you should be able to “enjoy” it. Wtf is wrong with you? ... 96neko

    Wow sorry.
    I didn't realise u had issues. (⊙…⊙ )
    I recomend investing that money you spend on comics into therapy.
    Also good luck in life with that explosive and unique personality. (=・ω・=)

    Dodi July 31, 2020 11:22 pm
    “POoR pEOplE cAnT EnJoY thInGs” Give me a fucking break. It’s like akin to walking into a store and stealing a luxury item because you believe you should be able to “enjoy” it. Wtf is wrong with you? ... 96neko

    Ok I'm guilty too of reading it illegally sometimes, but i couldn't agree more with what you say. The least decent thing you can do is knowledging when you're wrong instead of covering it with "I'm poor".

    Luu July 31, 2020 11:46 pm

    Online fights are so fun!
    Everybody just keeps missing the point of my comment like it's their job.

    Like i said support the author if u can but also don't feel to GUILTY pirating it. I didn't say be a snarky brat and convince yourself you're not doing a slightly bad thing of enjoying something you otherwise wouldn't be able to due to money issues.

    If any author said they weren't getting enough money directly because of pirating i would stop doing it out of respect for them.

    Ofcourse people like you make it hard to wanna do that, but once you realise that authors don't really choose their fans its much easier.

    Thank you for reading. ヾ(❀•◡•)ノ~

    BobiTheBest July 31, 2020 11:57 pm
    Because Lezhin doesn’t have forum dumbfuck. I have no problem with people who pirate out of circumstance and support when they can. I converse with them myself and understand, it’s when people that pirate ... 96neko

    You choose to come here in this illegal site whatever the reason!You choose to register on this pirate site and talk with us the "worst criminals"!
    You are not the only one who buys and support the author!
    You are not special so shut the f*ck up!

    Hadis August 1, 2020 12:04 am

    Let's not sully this friendly community guys. Whatever the motives are, we still love the story. So it's for the best if just talk about the story and enjoy it together. Let's not continue this topic anymore. Thank u

    Luu August 1, 2020 12:04 am

    Also why ruin others fun just because u can read a few chapters ahead.

    I mean you could put *SPOILER AHEAD* It's literally two words.

    If the community at webton can do it I'm pretty sure you could to. It's not that hard especially if you like the forums and it's something you're passionate about.

    The person who made the first comment was probably just trying to say it like that but got irritated with people like you.

    I don't dislike you and don't take it personally, but you can not say that you yourself also are not ignorant, by assuming everyone is just trying to be rude to the author by reading it here.

    Again thank you for reading.

    96neko August 1, 2020 4:29 am
    yea but you joined in 2014 so obviously you came here before to read comics and not just look at the forums Haikyuuuu

    Wow! Six years ago when I was still very much a minor! Congrats! That’s how age works!You really thought you did something huh. I already stated in a previous comment I have pirated in my youth, but unlike the people in this comment thread, I was hardly PROUD of it and I didn’t encourage people “not to feel bad about it”, because I’ve seen what kind of emotional and monetary damage It can cause to the authors. So guess what? I got a fucking job and started paying for their material. I know that’s not something everyone can do for whatever reason, but you seem to think I’m against the very act of pirating and not the attitudes of the pirates who are clearly just children that don’t care that an artist is payed for her work as she should be. And honestly looking at how this new uploader is being with releasing the chapter within 24 hours so Byeonduck ISNT payed, I’m proved more right about what I have previously stated.

    Haikyuuuu August 1, 2020 5:28 am
    Wow! Six years ago when I was still very much a minor! Congrats! That’s how age works!You really thought you did something huh. I already stated in a previous comment I have pirated in my youth, but unlike th... 96neko

    well who said that we didn't feel bad about not supporting the author and when do people ever say "dont feel bad about it" many people feel bad about not supporting the author so stop putting words into peoples mouths. you came onto this forum and started going off on people and on this site about pirating what did you expect that everyone here pays for there webtoons on lezhin, if we did we wouldn't be here. also the fact that you still have a account and only use it to for the "forums" is highly unlikely because your only on 3 or 4 forums where you were in a discussion. Also if your so amazing and great that you support the author why dont you go on twitter or Instagram and start your threads there, where many other people interact out of respect for the author instead of this website. Your just an angry person that's mad at something and feel the need to take it out on other people!