LazyGodess July 31, 2020 8:12 am

This is just too pure!! Adorable! They're such a cute match even though one's an antisocial romance idiot and the other is a dense fool I have a feeling with friends helping hand they'll be together!!

    Sakuraruu July 31, 2020 3:25 pm

    I don’t think friends’s help will do much to give some more advances progress...
    What they need is a boy as a rival for Ueno.
    No matter how you look at it, the spark of love already starting on both. Stronger on Ueno, but Ueno is too fucking dense to realise it. Especially when the spark is still tiny like those sparkles we see.
    We need some jealousy to spike the spark on Ueno so that his spark will effect Tabata’s spark, and everything gonna go..
    Kiss Kiss Fall in Love!!!