this!!! oh my god!! emotional abuse and manipulation, isolating chiwoo from any potential friends by threatening them, physical abuse, rape... and it’s forgiven because he’s attractive, regrets it and has some issues in his life?? i think it’s so messed up that she had to draw a whole parallel universe just to satisfy people’s fetishisation of an attractive gay couple, no matter how toxic. even those saying they hope he gets his own happy ending with another lover... like okay i understand the ‘healing and growing’ of abusers because it’s productive, but how would you feel towards the man who raped your mother/friend/sister/brother etc? your reaction would certainly not be that you feel bad for whatever made them like this, and that they deserve their happy ending. okay rant over lol but im really happy you’ve commented this bc a lot of comments here make me question my sanity lmaow

Poor Chiwoo was traumatized, but they really want to see Jihyun do the do with him huh. What was it? the tears? I cannot comprehend them. I get it when stories do this "redeem the rapist" trope in yaoi since that's, unfortunately, what will sell, so the authors make light of the situation in favor of fantasy and morbo/pervertion. But this story show us how bad was the trauma Jihyun left on Chiwoo, he's afraid of intimacy with others and afraid of making friends, he's isolated, cannot participate in his hobbies and overworks himself to be occupied. He's so cautious of Kyojin, terrified that shit will repeat itself and then after Jihyun appears, there's no moment when he can catch a break!! And the story shows it as suffering. AND THEY WANT THEM TO BE TOGETHER??? nah bro, I feel like we didn't read the same story as the people in the comments below, but I dont really wanna engage and lose more braincells trying to understand them lol

I can understand the "I feel for Jihyun, wish him luck" since he appears to be decent at the end, Chiwoo seems like the exception and not the rule to his obsessive/violent attitude, but his happiness CANNOT be together with Chiwoo. Period. Doesn't it bother them? After seeing all the shit Jihyun made him go through? didn't we all read the same manwha? Jsfc indeed.

Like I told TheGayBrowser, It's not that he shouldn't be happy, it's the people shipping him with Chiwoo knowing the shit they went through. After all, he seemed sound and decent when it wasn't about his jealousy and obsession with him. Knock yourself out imagining him happy with another guy, but not with Chiwoo.

Sorry yeah I do get that and I don’t ship him with chiwoo I just want him with someone who loves him and who he loves back I don’t want him with chiwoo because of all that shit he put him through he changed and that is why he should have happy days with someone new that he loves sorry if it confused you me saying that

Okay perhaps I’m a bit too cynical but... I don’t even get why someone’s first thought after reading this whole story is ‘I just want to see Jihyun happy with someone who loves him, he’s gone through so much’. Like yes character development etc etc but... why is that what you care most about out of everything? Why are people more concerned with the rapist getting a happy ending rather than Chiwoo finding emotional stability and happiness with someone who respects him? Rather than the impacts rape and abuse have on victims and how this manhwa highlights the importance of protecting them? As I said, this might be me being too harsh but idk
I just hope that the "I actually like Jihyun more" people are in their fujoshi preteen phases and can grow out of it. Fujoshi culture is so fucked up to me lmao the author had to resort to a parallel universe trope because their morals couldn't let them do sexy/relationship scenes with the protagonists' past being like that, and yet they had to do it nonetheless because the public was so demanding (or suggestive) that they wanted to see it. A rapist. Having sex with their victim. Jihyun past shouldn't be an excuse for his actions, boohoo, he cries. Kudos to the author too for making him likeable, even if its because fujoshis like the romanticization of violence.