I mean, no one will say you can't. You can also bookmark the chapter you're on and then drop it. When it's complete or at least further ahead, you can always come back. That way you won't regret dropping it. I've done that many times with mangas and webtoons.
I mean, no one will say you can't. You can also bookmark the chapter you're on and then drop it. When it's complete or at least further ahead, you can always come back. That way you won't regret dropping it. I'... Rabbit Lover!
I mean, no one will say you can't. You can also bookmark the chapter you're on and then drop it. When it's complete or at least further ahead, you can always come back. That way you won't regret dropping it. I'... Rabbit Lover!
i feel like dropping this manhwa. but idk man- ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍