Remember when he blacked out and when he bit Solomane’s neck? He did that again, but because it was more than one bite the blackout lasted longer. Turning into a dream. I assume he’s been biting him for a really long time but unconsciously so he has no idea what he’s done and he’ll possibly be really hurt by how he’s bruised the one he loves.
No problem. I thought it was kinda self explanatory but with skipping around it can be hard to read. We do kinda see bite marks on Solomane in the last panels.
Remember when he blacked out and when he bit Solomane’s neck? He did that again, but because it was more than one bite the blackout lasted longer. Turning into a dream. I assume he’s been biting him for a really long time but unconsciously so he has no idea what he’s done and he’ll possibly be really hurt by how he’s bruised the one he loves.