So he goes to jail forever? It saddens me that they're hurting. They need help, its best f...

hyani8 July 29, 2020 5:43 pm

So he goes to jail forever? It saddens me that they're hurting. They need help, its best for the both of them to not end up together, theyre too toxic for each other, theyre still stuck in the past. I dont think its love, yeah they long for each other but it was in the past. I just want them to be happy T-T and get the help they have always needed.

    maychan July 29, 2020 9:05 pm

    I think both of them still want to be together but they both realize they are twisted it up. they need to change themself first before they start anything with each other, cause like this they just end up hurting each other again.