Really just annoying and cliche

Lulu July 29, 2020 3:48 pm

It was really interesting at first to see the reverse gender norms and all the struggles women face on a daily basis but after a while it just turns out like any Chinese harems. The MC is just as plain and “OP” as the others and a womanizer. This was really promising but it turned out to be a flop.

    Layla July 30, 2020 6:35 pm

    True dat!!! And dats not even the worse part. I started reading this, because I thought the author was going for a satirical piece with the whole role reversal like Beyoncé’s “if I were a boy”... BUT this is just another piece of trash manhua where the mc enters a world where women r supposedly superior to men (just a little header, the “superior women” are still dressed n aesthetically groomed to seduce. Shouldn’t men wear lipstick, short skirts, long hair etc to attract the superior women, if going by the theme. Logically the traditional providers wear practical clothes to indicate that practicality, & caregivers otherwise... not always the case but by the most patriarchal terms). The misogynistic undertones are absolutely on your face, Literally!!! I don’t usually bother with commenting but srsly, I couldn’t help but say a Big F**k U to the person who thought this up”!!! The writer should attend a gender sensitivity class and if he isn’t capable of adjusting, should probably join a mental institution where he can do his work without forcing this down our throats !!!

    Lulu July 30, 2020 10:04 pm
    True dat!!! And dats not even the worse part. I started reading this, because I thought the author was going for a satirical piece with the whole role reversal like Beyoncé’s “if I were a boy”... BUT thi... Layla

    Ikr! Idk what the author thought but it just seems that he thinks that even in a world that women rule, men are always “superior”. The MC just sees the reversed gender norms as “abnormal” and “weird” without even seeing this as what women go trough everyday and would only care if he’s at disadvantage. He dosen’t even give the situation a second thought and just sees it as “absurd” and crazy. It really pissed me off.

    kxma August 19, 2020 7:29 pm
    True dat!!! And dats not even the worse part. I started reading this, because I thought the author was going for a satirical piece with the whole role reversal like Beyoncé’s “if I were a boy”... BUT thi... Layla

    The author hasn't done anything wrong. Sure, this is a role reversal manhwa, but that isn't the main quest of the story it's just one of the many elements of it. The cultivist part of it is the main story point. You saying "shouldn't wear lipstick, dresses,etc" along with the seduction part is totally opinion based as well as culture based. The role reversal her is who runs things things more in this world. it's just flipped enough to where it makes sense

    kxma August 19, 2020 7:29 pm
    True dat!!! And dats not even the worse part. I started reading this, because I thought the author was going for a satirical piece with the whole role reversal like Beyoncé’s “if I were a boy”... BUT thi... Layla

    The author hasn't done anything wrong. Sure, this is a role reversal manhwa, but that isn't the main quest of the story it's just one of the many elements of it. The cultivist part of it is the main story point. You saying "shouldn't wear lipstick, dresses,etc" along with the seduction part is totally opinion based as well as culture based. The role reversal her is who runs things things more in this world. it's just flipped enough to where it makes sense.

    Layla August 22, 2020 3:56 pm
    The author hasn't done anything wrong. Sure, this is a role reversal manhwa, but that isn't the main quest of the story it's just one of the many elements of it. The cultivist part of it is the main story point... kxma

    Wow oh! Wow! Do people who buy into this shit actually exist? I asked myself that question. And would you know, One delivered himself right to my comment section. Do you even get the point of my comment?? It seems you missed it altogether.
    Firstly, no one is debating whether this Manhua is about cultivating or not. No one. So your point is redundant
    Secondly, you mentioned “culture n opinion based”. It seems you haven’t ever heard of subjectivity or objectivity. Let me clarify because you don’t seem to be following the discourse from which me n the other comments have sprung our objections from. Are you so blind that you cannot even read the condescension with which the author has written about women. This kind of generic misogynistic crap is only consumed n accepted by people still stuck with the mentality that such a world view that he has supposedly created is absurd. Thus the obvious ridicule that follows in those pages.
    Lastly, assuming from your level your comprehension, I bet my ass that you will not understand anything I just wrote. Isn’t that why you wrote that sad comment in the 1st place. But I tried for ur sake. Do your best. And get off my porch

    kxma August 23, 2020 11:47 am
    Wow oh! Wow! Do people who buy into this shit actually exist? I asked myself that question. And would you know, One delivered himself right to my comment section. Do you even get the point of my comment?? It se... Layla

    I'm not the type of person you speak of. That again was based off your assumption. Two that's my point. The People who haven't said a word about the main topic being the pyramid scheme type of subject the manga is built off of, which is cultivating. The whole gender swap thing is just a sub-genre. Like you said in earlier comment "I thought the author was going for a satirical piece with the whole role reversal like Beyoncé’s “if I were a boy.” That's what YOU thought, that's YOU wanted. You're just ignoring that actual nature of the Chinese's history of Taoist cultivation. It is what it is. I get that you highly dislike it i'm just trying to get you to see that big picture rather than focusing on the gender aspect of it which it still comes into to play in the story. The females had male servants/attendees who work under them, but in a household setting rather than the battlefield, because in this flipped world displayed in the manga females are the ones fighting and held to a higher standing. Just to say this again in case you didn't hear it the first time, Is apart of the toaist cultivation history. The MC of the story is basically the "Rosie the riveter" or Naomi Parker of the story. He is the guy that represents that male and female are equal, well in his time period and in his world it would be more like he's used to seeing males in which is now females dominated positions of hierarchy. I don't have that "misogynistic" mindset you talk about. If you don't like the story i get it. but the author is just sticking to the attributes of the toaist culture and attributes of that era.

    Layla August 25, 2020 8:09 pm

    Bwahaha!!! The MC “Is the guy that represents that male and female are equal??” :D Lol did you just write that. You offer him up as some panacea for gender equality. I’m sorry to burst your delusional bubble but he is the ill not the cure!!! Also just so you know, both Parker n riveter are constructed symbols to correct the labour deficiency, & it coincidently happened to speak for gender equality ( with the 2nd feminist wave at a surge then) Don’t assume that it was the goal, it was simply a happy n coincidental means. Also reread the dialogues the MC has quoted during his stay in this reverse world and you will note that he is definitely not a representation of that illusionary equality you speak of. If you still can’t see it than your world view is absolutely skewed n I can’t help you further.

    “Get you to see that big picture rather than focusing on the gender aspect of it”!!! Wow!!! Your misogynistic world view keeps spilling out these absolute tosh statements (is it deliberate? Or is it by mistake? Either way both are dangerous) Out of all the commentators here, from the primary to the follow up, the main discussion here has been about the absolutely pathetic female representation in this manhua, which you seem very vicious enough to DISMISS. This is to the point of bringing out redundant issues like “the Taoism of this manhua”, “the Chinese culture” etc, which no one is disputing or discussing or even cares. (Also the happenstance of male servants is not unique to Taoist culture alone, google it if you don’t know). I’m beginning to think either you’re a boomer (if it is that then your views are understandable considering the generation...) or you are a very conscious supporter of patriarchy in all forms.

    Also evryone is aware that this is a manhua about cultivation, which has nothing to do with the theme of this sub-discussion, another point no one has brought or is contesting. You have reduced our concerns & objections because your mindset is in keeping with the viewpoint of this manhua, essentially the MC. At this point either you are the author himself, or his partner or your culturally similar (as you keep defending Taoism when no one has mentioned that, and definitely not like a history student might, as you bring out a lot of personal points). In case you are that last, no one is insulting the “Taoism of the Chinese culture”, in case your feathers are ruffled again, I’m clarifying here!!!

    Gender bias is not unique to Chinese Taoist culture alone, it is a singularity that cuts across almost all written & oral cultures. If it’s Chinese culture to force women to break their feet, for Indian women to burn their live widows, some African culture to mutilate their females & Western culture to squeeze women into 16 inch corsets, then is it okay to practice them because it’s tradition???!!!! Just do me a big favour and stop using that as the headline of your piece. Because there’s a reason anachronistic traditions are anachronistic!!! A manhua written in the 21st century must represent the ethos of this century. It’s settings may be “of that era” as you keep mentioning, but the MC cannot be the representation of that very bias. If he did, then there should be character development to show his reformation. But that isn’t the case. This isnt a story with an anti-hero take, anyone with a discerning eye & brain, can say with confidence that this is a “on your face” hero type story. Suffice to say, your unsophisticated takeaway from this manhua has left me with a sour taste.

    And you commented also that “I thought or I wanted” or something like that. Again sorry to burst your very humongous delusional bubble that no one in the comment section is writing an objective essay & that includes you, hence your vicious defence of the tooth rotting misogyny of this manhua. Please don’t point out the obvious. However, what you still don’t understand after I explained so many times, are the standard viewpoints of the feminist critique on this piece of shit manhua n MC, upon whose altar you have nailed your cross!!!

    kxma August 25, 2020 8:31 pm

    First, you quoted apart of my message wrong , and it caused you to rant bs again. Two your failure to see the main point of the manga is your downfall. So, Ima just end this thread here. It's no use trying to get through to you. Buh-bye :)

    Layla August 26, 2020 7:06 am

    Thank you for doing us all the favour of shutting up

    kxma August 26, 2020 11:48 pm

    (⊙…⊙ )......

    sun-dancer October 25, 2020 3:24 pm
    True dat!!! And dats not even the worse part. I started reading this, because I thought the author was going for a satirical piece with the whole role reversal like Beyoncé’s “if I were a boy”... BUT thi... Layla

    "the mc enters a world where women r supposedly superior to men (just a little header, the “superior women” are still dressed n aesthetically groomed to seduce. Shouldn’t men wear lipstick, short skirts, long hair etc to attract the superior women"

    It's not because they are stronger than they will suddenly behave like men, they are still women with all their biological complexity.

    What I find illogical is the behavior of men, very feminized, like their testosterone has completely disappeared for no reason.
    In terms of logic, I think it's correct, he just made a crude and cliché reverse without concern for details.

    Lulu October 26, 2020 2:28 am
    "the mc enters a world where women r supposedly superior to men (just a little header, the “superior women” are still dressed n aesthetically groomed to seduce. Shouldn’t men wear lipstick, short skirts, ... sun-dancer

    Lololol testosterone’s doesn’t mean you can’t wear/ do stereotypically feminine things. Just because you’re a guy, It doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t behave “girly”

    sun-dancer October 26, 2020 5:07 am
    Lololol testosterone’s doesn’t mean you can’t wear/ do stereotypically feminine things. Just because you’re a guy, It doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t behave “girly” Lulu

    it's not because some people do it, that all men will do it, you're talking about exceptions and the world is made of generality.
    The behaviour of men and women is very much influenced by their own biology, and this behaviour was accentuated by tradition/culture/society.

    so yes, testosterone doesn't mean you can't wear, but above all it explains why the majority of men do not do it.

    Layla October 27, 2020 6:15 am
    Lololol testosterone’s doesn’t mean you can’t wear/ do stereotypically feminine things. Just because you’re a guy, It doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t behave “girly” Lulu

    Firstly, do not get confused by biological & social distinctions. Biological imperatives allow women to give birth & men to possess the sperm to do so. There are differences as far as secondary biological gender traits are concerned.

    Secondly, social gender distinctions are unnaturally set based on prejudices about these biological imperatives. It sets our labour roles in society, our societal perceptions of each gender & so on.

    Thirdly, both male & female bodies produce testosterone (as the female ovaries produce both testosterone as well as oestrogen). Having established these facts, there will be behavioural evidences of these very hormones upon the human body. And that goes for imbalances of hormones too. But biology is not the only deciding factor, social factors come into play too

    Fourthly, u said “testosterone doesn’t mean you can’t wear/do stereotypically feminine things”. I agree. “But again u have misconstrued my words”. In present earth of today, the issue of “men wearing skirts”, is

    a) something that is coming from a anglicised western world perspective. Because many non-western cultures wear similar clothing & do not call it a skirt. Eg-kilts, cassocks, sherwani, dhoti etc to name a few

    b) if the modern man wears a modern skirt as we understand them, they would wear it as a fashion statement or a challenge or because they have proclivity for such clothing. Let me clarify here that the 1st category is doing so in keeping with the androgynous clothing vogue that has hit the clothes market. The 2nd category does it because of the thrill of the challenge to get more views or likes etc in YouTube, Instagram etc. The 3rd category would be the few “rare men” who are comfortable in such clothing. Many terms exist in different countries for such men. Now, most of these terms have been negatively connoted & it’s only in the last 10 years or so that mainstreaming of this issue has been happening.

    On this point, let me ask you, how many men in this world going to office wear the skirt as a respectable & functional piece of clothing in a non-fashion world???? Think about that. Many of those clothes traditionally considered a man’s has been appropriated into a women’s wardrobe like jeans, trousers waistcoat etc etc. But the skirt, which is the epitome of feminine clothing has not managed to do the same. is dat all? NO. Think about that. Socially, to appropriate men’s clothing by women are considered empowering but if men did that with women’s clothing, with the exception of the glamour world, the general public will not think it to be empowering. In fact just the opposite. So even a simple piece of clothing has symbolism attached to it.

    Fifthly, I address another sentence of yours—-“Just because you’re a guy. It doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t behave girly”. There’s a problem with this entire sentence. When you used the term “girly”, u have by the society you grew up around, associated the term with women. Is there a need to allocate emboldened words like strong, brave, manly with a man & words like weak, girly, emotional with a woman!! So that is why I refuse this entire sentence because you have misunderstood what I have written down here.

    Sixthly, as for manga, where the women are superior. Now in a world, where there is a superior being above all others, rules are set by them. They don’t have to please anyone. Others are beholden to them & also dismissed or not as per their requirements. SO, in such a world, since there r again 2 participating genders, the superior gender will make rules. The superior gender here are women or so the author says in that opposite world. But the author has simply reproduced our world & made no attempt to empower women with that superiority that s/he claimed. Hence this discussion. I hope u understood!

    Layla October 27, 2020 6:17 am
    it's not because some people do it, that all men will do it, you're talking about exceptions and the world is made of generality.The behaviour of men and women is very much influenced by their own biology, and ... sun-dancer

    Very much agreed. There are both biological & social imperatives to this issue. It’s only in recent times that we have seen the mainstreaming of multi- gender perspectives beyond the heteronormative patterns.