that fuckwad akira! he deserves to die by touya's hands! no, he deserves to suffer! ghhhh...

anonberry October 31, 2014 6:47 pm

that fuckwad akira! he deserves to die by touya's hands! no, he deserves to suffer!

ghhhhh. it is just that touya is so slow in taking kou for himself. he's overwhelmed by the feelings of his past self for raki and for his feelings for kou now that's why he can't put a definite meaning to it. why are you so slow, baka?!

can i expect some meaningful smexy time with kou and touya now in the near future? can i? can we finally have this moment?

    Rehena October 31, 2014 6:54 pm

    They did have a warning and I did expect that things like this will happen sooner or later

    anonberry October 31, 2014 6:57 pm

    in fact, i want hazuki to do a number on akira. now that would be nice.

    anonberry October 31, 2014 7:20 pm
    They did have a warning and I did expect that things like this will happen sooner or later @Rehena

    I'd prefer it to be sooner. as in asap!

    anonberry October 31, 2014 9:16 pm
    I'd prefer it to be sooner. as in asap! anonberry

    lol, just read the raws until v18. I will try to read thoroughly when i have the time coz i cant understand kanji but i can still make out the furigana. hehe/

    the smexy time for touya and kou came later than I expected. But I was satisfied. At least they consummated. lol. but as i expected, hazuki's feeding sessions will be a threesome. yep. touya just can't let anyone monopolize kou now.

    omg. there is not enough smex!

    kira November 1, 2014 6:02 pm
    lol, just read the raws until v18. I will try to read thoroughly when i have the time coz i cant understand kanji but i can still make out the furigana. hehe/the smexy time for touya and kou came later than I e... anonberry

    do you know the link to read this manga raw? i couldn't find it.....

    anonberry November 2, 2014 1:01 am

    its a download option. try to google this manga with the raw keyword. hard to link from my mobile. sorry.

    kirribanda November 9, 2014 11:33 pm
    do you know the link to read this manga raw? i couldn't find it..... kira

    Raws up to chapter 100

    anonberry November 10, 2014 7:40 am

    wow great!