Came @ me

paper July 29, 2020 3:08 am

J x h had a toxic asf relationship. I would have left him in a heartbeat honestly. I’m not saying he was a bad person and I really hope for him to find his own happiness. But the shit he did to mc was wrong and toxic that’s why the mc needed to get tf out. not to judge but I don’t see heasoo happy with joowon. They were never happy together. That’s why heasoo always looked depressed/stressed af and he always puts on his fake smile. Taku is more chilling he actually listens to what heasoo says like Bitch did u see when he took his hand off his shoulder when he flinch indicating that he was uncomfortable. LIKE DUDE HE RESPECTS HIM AND HIS SPACE. And he smiles a lot more now and I just fucking love it. It would have been better for mc to work on himself before getting with taku but taku isn’t putting a lot of pressure on him so I’m really happy about that. Im just saying my opinion on the topic N I would like to say all of them are rly hot so yeah that’s it

    paper July 29, 2020 3:14 am


    plinky25 July 29, 2020 3:16 am

    Couldn’t agree more with you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
    Joowon may not be the worst guy and he loves haesoo deep down, but the way he treated him was not the best way to show that he loved him. I see haesoo more stressed around him then calm

    paper July 29, 2020 3:29 am
    Couldn’t agree more with you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づJoowon may not be the worst guy and he loves haesoo deep down, but the way he treated him was not the best way to show that he loved him. I see haesoo more stress... plinky25

    True I’m sure joowon loved him but now I think that if they do get together haesoo(lol I’m embarrassed bcs I kept spelling his name wrong) joowon this crazy cycle will just repeat and haesoo even stated that and that’s why he got out of that type of relationship.

    plinky25 July 29, 2020 3:43 am
    True I’m sure joowon loved him but now I think that if they do get together haesoo(lol I’m embarrassed bcs I kept spelling his name wrong) joowon this crazy cycle will just repeat and haesoo even stated tha... paper

    Yeaa I mostly didn’t like how at times joowon was forceful on haesoo when it came to “doing the dirty.” I think most people only ship haesoo and joowon together, only because they like joowon’s character, not that they are healthy or good for each other. The two had plenty of years to change their relationship but nothing happened. If it weren’t for taku, they’d most likely be in the same loop they’ve always have been in. Neither one of them would be able to think rationally if they’re always having this angsty tension all the time between them

    BlubbDia July 29, 2020 3:53 am
    Yeaa I mostly didn’t like how at times joowon was forceful on haesoo when it came to “doing the dirty.” I think most people only ship haesoo and joowon together, only because they like joowon’s characte... plinky25

    oh nah let me tell you that there a many people who ship j & h simply bc j is 'hot' and so is their sex. people are fucking simps for toxic relationships.
    i agree on the rest though. j & h dont make a good match whatsoever

    paper July 29, 2020 3:53 am
    Yeaa I mostly didn’t like how at times joowon was forceful on haesoo when it came to “doing the dirty.” I think most people only ship haesoo and joowon together, only because they like joowon’s characte... plinky25

    My god yesss it felt like boarderline rape when u love someone u don’t force them or shove things where they don’t wanna be shoved in. If they like Joowon then good for them they could date him but it would just be wrong and so unhealthy if they do get together in the end I’ll probably end up being disappointed

    Angie July 29, 2020 5:06 am

    I just wanted to notice Haesoo himself also hurt Joowon. His own words: "My tendency to bare my claws, to choose words which get under skin. The relationship I twisted and manipulated because I craved an obsessive love".
    No one is going to question that Joowon hurt Haesoo. Because it's clear. But Haesoo also hurt him.
    I just wanted to point that out because many people don't see that Haesoo has also his own share in all of that.

    BlubbDia July 29, 2020 5:15 am
    I just wanted to notice Haesoo himself also hurt Joowon. His own words: "My tendency to bare my claws, to choose words which get under skin. The relationship I twisted and manipulated because I craved an obsess... Angie

    i agree, this was necessary to point out since the other person didn't even mention anything like that

    paper July 29, 2020 5:18 am
    I just wanted to notice Haesoo himself also hurt Joowon. His own words: "My tendency to bare my claws, to choose words which get under skin. The relationship I twisted and manipulated because I craved an obsess... Angie

    Yeah they both feel the toxic need to get at each other. Haesoo only did those things to see if joowon would take the bait. To see if he was playing around with him or if he wanted a serious relationship. And joowon didn’t take the bait. In the beginning Haesoo wanted a real stable relationship. But he realized that it has gone too far so he broke it off. And now joowon is realizing that he isn’t coming back like he always does. Joowon shouldn’t have dragged haesoo like that. He should have told him how he felt. Not just pull haesoo along

    paper July 29, 2020 5:21 am
    i agree, this was necessary to point out since the other person didn't even mention anything like that BlubbDia

    I agree with that and I’m sorry I left it out but the relationship is still toxic af either way. And haesoo only did that bcs he felt like he was being dragged along by joowon he wanted something real with him

    paper July 29, 2020 5:35 am
    I agree with that and I’m sorry I left it out but the relationship is still toxic af either way. And haesoo only did that bcs he felt like he was being dragged along by joowon he wanted something real with hi... paper

    Pls don’t misunderstand I’m not trying to point out joowon as a evil villain and I really want what’s best for him and his happiness. His feelings for haesoo were more possessive and he never made his relationship stable w haesoo. Haesoo felt sad and angry bcs he was pulling him by a line so he did things to try to make him jealous but it didn’t work. Joowon shouldn’t have done that and haesoo shouldn’t have done that

    Angie July 29, 2020 5:54 am
    Pls don’t misunderstand I’m not trying to point out joowon as a evil villain and I really want what’s best for him and his happiness. His feelings for haesoo were more possessive and he never made his rel... paper

    Oh I agree. Just wanted to point out that both of them hurt each other. Joowon definitely shouldn't make some mistakes, should overcome his fear or rejection etc. Although their family situation always impact their relationship even after all these years.

    paper July 29, 2020 7:26 am
    Oh I agree. Just wanted to point out that both of them hurt each other. Joowon definitely shouldn't make some mistakes, should overcome his fear or rejection etc. Although their family situation always impact t... Angie

    I don’t think joowon cares about that but haesoo certainly does. I feel like he has wanted a family. I honestly want everyone to be happy in the story but I’m not sure if that’s gonna work out
